too bad Audiogon seems to have morphed to fussy, picky buyers

For years I've bought and sold here with no drama but that seems to have been changing. Now sellers seem to want retail pricing for their products while wanting to low ball on anything they want to buy.

At the same time I see more and more fussy buyers nitpicking the purchase, requiring tons of hand holding and concessions after they buy a fairly represented good working order item. 

No longer fun for me unfortunately.
I can barely type it once,let alone say it 3times in a row.

I’m glad that I already sold all the gear that I want to, 45k,and going fwd I will only be buying end game components and will no longer be stimulating the Industry’s with my coins.

Best of luck to you,
I'd rather trade the product in at a fair price with a reputable dealer who I'll establish a long term relationship with....

I feel the same way and my last 3 transactions as a seller were  transactions from hell.  I am done selling equipment as it is too much of a hassle.  Then there was the guy who bought a $1970.00 Magnum Dynalab FM tuner from me for $400.00 and then after using it a couple of days, decides he doesn't like it and either wants his money back, or wants more money off the tuner (claimed I sold him a defective piece).  Never again!
I take the product back immediately and refund rather than give concessions. I can either keep it or sell it again at my leisure, I'm never selling because I need the money so there's no pressure, just don't like dealing with the new car buyer mentality but want it at the used car price stuff....
@stereo5 , what a difference 6 weeks can make, huh Bob?
Here is a post of yours about the joys of selling in early March, on a thread about the cost of advertising on Audiogon:

03-04-2018 4:55pmI posted 4 for sale ads yesterday here on Audiogon. All 4 items sold in less than 24 hours. The fact that Audiogon has the largest amount of viewers is what enabled me to sell the items very quickly. I happily paid my 2% fees per item. Flea Bay not only charges 10%, but they also keep your money in escrow until the buyer receives the item. I won't do business there.

I have quite a few pieces that I should be selling, as I do not use.
However, it's such a hassle, and in the end, you practically give it away anyway. So I don't bother to post anymore.
Who knows? Maybe a year or two from now I will use some of it again?

I just can't bring myself to deal with buyers anymore.
The used audio market has been trending down for about 5 years now, probably mostly due to the economy.
The poor market has certainly helped to slow down my buying too.
Not much fun here anymore......
