New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

One last question for whomever can answer. What will be the total number of break-in hours for the Ultra Interconnects, 150, 175 hours or what?
Thanks, much apprecacited...
@ lak

Give them 200 hours before placing them into your system and let them settle in for a few days. You will hear the beauty of Liquid Metal immediately. Let us know what you think?

My Ultra's sounded really good right after installation. Clearly about a couple of notches better, I would say, than the already very nice Game Changer. My Ultra's may have been pretty well broken in, as I believe I bought the last prototype and current configuration. I can't tell if they further improved as I applied the TC enhancer to most of my system and that caused, I think, a couple of leaps in sound quality since installation.
@jayctoy ... Hopefully be seeing you at AXPONA. We are teamed with  some amazing audio from Triangle Art and Angel City Audio. It should be sounding mighty mighty fine. Really looking forward to a great show and meeting folks we have touched base with here.