Having a problem when HVAC system turns on and cuts my system off!

Ok here’s the deal smart Agoners. I have been in this new house with pretty much the same rig with no issues for a year or so. I play music pretty much all day now in our living room space that opens up to the kitchen. Several times throughout the day, not every time, when the HVAC system turns on it will cause my computer server usb connection to the dac to fail. Usually a few seconds after the HVAC turns on the USB signal is lost.....cuts out?

My system is on a dedicated 20 amp line with two levels of conditioning before the dac and computer server. A BPT balanced conditioner feeding two Core Power Technology balanced conditioner/cords to my system. See my virtual system for a better understanding.

I have have to turn off the dac and turn it back on to re-initiate and play music again. My dac is built into my amp just as an FYI. What the heck is going on and what is the fix?

Must be some kind of electrical surge or such that is somehow impacting my direct AC line and system. Strange. Happening more often of late.

So your running a USB connection from your computer directly to your amp (which has a built in dac)? NOT GOOD! I advise you Isolate your computer from the amp/dac by using the optical output of the motherboard (hopefully it has one) then into a DIP (Monarchy audio sells these),this allows you to use a XLR or RCA digital out to the amp/dac so that it is now totally isolated from the computer, it is also a jitter reducer and much more! You can read about DIP’s here:



Matt M
The Lyngdorf 2170 is made to specifically use the usb input built into it. It is really not a dac as the signal stays in the digital realm right up to the point it hits the output to the speakers. That is not the issue. Also, I have a IFi Micro USB 3 filter/reclocker between the Computer output and Lyngdorf.

It just happened again. The music stopped playing over the speakers even though the song continued to play on the server. Somehow the HVAC is cutting off the signal through my computer - iFi Micro USB 3 - Lyngdorf. These are all connected by two usb cables. This time I simply hit pause and play again to resume the music. So darn strange.

Adding more detail for you all, both the USB output card on my computer server (SOtM) and the iFi Micro USB 3 are powered by 9vdc linear power supplies. I checked both LPSs and they are outputing 9 vdc as they should. Both LPS units are plugged into the BPT conditioner.  Something tells me perhaps they are not happy when the HVAC turns on at times?
Hi Bill,

Strange problem indeed, especially given that it wasn’t present for a year or so with essentially the same system.

I don’t think we can say at this point whether the problem is caused by interference from airborne RFI or by effects of the HVAC on the AC power. Or whether what may have changed or degraded relative to when the problem didn’t exist is in the audio system or the HVAC system.

The only suggestions that occur to me at this point would be to perform the following experiments:

1)See if the problem occurs with the iFi reclocker removed from the system.

2)If you have power supplies that can be temporarily used in place of the two 9 volt linear supplies you mentioned, give them a try.

3)If practicable, try to determine if the problem occurs when the volume control on the 2170 is turned all the way down. Perhaps some circuit point in the 2170, or a cable that is connected to it, is picking up airborne RFI when the HVAC system turns on, which is then amplified by the power amp section of the 2170 and in turn inducing a transient at an upstream circuit point.

4)Determine if the problem occurs when the HVAC system turns on for heating purposes, for cooling purposes, for fan only purposes, or for some combination thereof.

Good luck. Best regards,
-- Al

Post removed 

I think you are onto something. Please give me some external ground options. I assume the outlet plate screw won’t qualify?

No doubt the issue is linked to the turning on of the HVAC unit as there is a 100% correlation.

@almarg The volume has no impact. HVAC for heating is the cause right now. I think you are right to suggest pulling out one LPS at a time to test.

Thanks guys!