Carver Raven 350 Amps

Has anyone heard these amps?
They supposedly can produce 350 watts per channel which in my opinion is remarkable for a tube amp. I have the Atma-Sphere M-60’s 3.3 and I love their tube sound.

But I am curious, Bob has made some very interesting products through the years.


Well thank you for that comparison. It is very appreciated.
The newer version of the M-60's (the Mk3.3) is supposed to have taken care of most of the previous problems and the sound quality is said to have been greatly improved. Although, I can't tell since this the only unit(s) I have owned.  

I have only had one output tube fail in more than a year of operation. Dam Russians...
I'm also crossing over at 80hz and using some very (DIY) high efficiency flat line 8 ohm speakers. The M-60 meter barely moves.

But, I would like to try in the future some Martin Logan or Magnapan speakers and I know that I will need different amps to use with them.
So the Carver is on my short list.


Ozzy, just realize that all manufacturers claim every new version is significantly better than the older version ;)

You shouldn't have any output tube failure in the first year of operation. I have owned the Carver amp for 8 years now with zero output tube failure.

I think crossing over the speaker at 80 Hz and letting the M-60 handle everything above is a very wise decision.  I have a 2 way speaker that is relatively efficient (89-90 dB) with lowest impedance 5.8 Ohm at crossover, mostly >8 ohm.  I was told by Atmasphere this shouldn't be a problem, but the bass was just too loose for my taste.

The Carvers should have no problem with Maggies.

I have heard from others that the Carver Raven 350 has a severe drop off in the higher frequencies. I am concerned about that. Can you comment more about that?

Thanks, ozzy
Ozzy, That has never been my experience with any of Bob's tube amps (I've heard the 350 and Silver 700 monster as well.). 

Context is very important.  What was the preamp, source, and speakers used to evaluate the 350 that showed "severe" drop off of the higher frequencies?  Were the tubes in the 350 stock?  The stock Shuguang KT88 are on the bright side in my opinion compared to the for example the Golden Lion K88 reissues, which are more natural sounding but can sound a little recessed in the highs.  Did the person who evaluated amp make sure the tubes were functioning normally?

Good thing about tube amps is that you can roll tubes and suit the sound to your taste to a certain degree.