Help! What's the white glue coming from Celestion SL600SI


Help! Can anyone help me make sense of the white gluey thing coming from Celestion SL600Si? I purchased them used from a seller here, have enjoyed them for 2 years, and noticed this anomaly today. Not sure when it started to happen. It looks like melted glue. See the pictures below:

Thank you!
I've owned 4 iterations of Celestion SL speakers, and it is easy to remove those 2 front plates with an allen wrench. I have done so many times for different reasons, and I've never seen anything like that. I doubt that it's the crossover. The crossover in these speakers is at the bottom of the box, and it's shielded by thick foam. It might be something that the previous owner put behind the plate for some reason. Screw it off and investigate.  
Hint   @shoubang , it's only the 4 bigger screws not the 3 smaller inner screw that need to be removed. 
And when you screw them back, just a little nip tight or you'll crack the plastic mounting plate if your a gorilla and crank them down.

Cheers George     
If you're talking about the ribbed plates on the front baffle, they aren't plastic, they're cast aluminum.