New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

@ t_ramey

.....very sorry for not getting back to you earlier....the bottom line is the GC was originally conceived as a direct sale product whose main purpose was to introduce TEO Audio to a larger audience and to make this happen we cut our margins very very thin....and what that ultimately means is we cannot take trade-ins towards the purchase of the GC11 ( methinks your best option would be to sell your GC cables privately ).....

We were thinking of having some of the new Ultra's and the Kronon's at the show....but nothing is set in stone and the situation is still pretty fluid ....will post about any changes as show time approaches. Are you looking for any specific lengths ?
Taras22 Im interested in your interconnect line up , as I understand your basic interconnect is the Game Changer II then the Ultra ? next the Splash and your flagship Kronon ,.

So three new interconnects GCII , ultra and Kronon , are there plans for an revised Splash II ? 
Two of your interconnects interest me , the Ultra and Splash Rs ,.......and possibly the Kronon . 
Finally are WBT RCAs used on the Ultras ? 
Thank you