Where do I start-amp or speakers ?

While in the midst of downsizing I sold all my gear: Krell monos, Thiel CS6’s, Thiel 2.4’s, EAD Powermaster 2000, Thiel MCS1, etc.
I am now left with a headphone system based on the entry level Schitt headphone amp, Freya preamp,& a very nice Vinyl NIrvana Thorens 125 turntable,
So how’s that working out for you, you ask? Not so well. I need speakers & amp!
 I went from 2900 sq ft. To 1600 sq ft; a 25x24 room to an 18 x 16 room (high 20-24 ft cathedral ceiling, though, at least.)
I’m now on the way to build a new system , one component at a time; Ceiling is 4K per unit. Every time I see a nice amp, then I see a fine pair of speakers. Back and forth. Do I start with an amp or with speakers? Input, input........
... my 2 cents worth:
Invest in your amp - it is the heart of your system.
You can more easily experiment with speakers (both dealers and some manufacturers have demos you can borrw for in-home accessment

I'd go SS Integrated with pre-outs and main-in, giving you even more flexibility to use your tube preamp...
Great discussion!  I was using a Krell S-1000 pre/pro with a Levinson 433 amp and Thiel CS-2.4 speakers and loved them.  I swapped in a Meridian 861 preamp and B&W 803S speakers because I got some good deals on them.  Currently using the Thiels with a McIntosh MA-5200 in a second system and that is also a good match, but the MA-5200 isn’t technically rated for 4 ohm speakers.  PM me know if you’re interested in the Krell preamp or Thiel speakers.
Happy Hunting!
Some of you find changing speakers easier than changing a component? Really?
I have a 13' X 28' living room but my second audio system.  I bought used Legacy Signature IIIs and have a radically modified Dyna 70 as well as an EAR 890 to drive them.  They are very efficient and easy to drive (an 18 watt Sherwood receiver is what I used to test them).  The Signature IIIs go for $1500-$2000 used and the EAR 890 goes for under $4000 used.  It is an excellent coupling (upgrade the EAR 890 with a Synergistic Research Blue fuse).  You'll save money for other upgrades such as wiring.