What is really the purpose of streaming??

What is really the main purpose on streaming?? Is it just a big convenience to have music and artists at your fingertips? Is it that you get a better sound than cds? What if you have a cd player with an exceptional DAC built in like the Rega Saturn R . To me when cds came out i never looked back on my LPs. I thought cd playback was the best. Now i hear alot of streaming talk. Can someone clarify this to me ? 
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I understand what you all are saying about streaming having the access to millions of of songs and artists at your fingertips. Im kinda old school with my music. I mostly listen to and love classic rock. Some pop from the 60s  70s and 80s. To me the music of today and the artists suck. I compare it to the movies that come out today. To me they really suck. I am old school with movies too. You cant compare the music, the older movies with them today. Like the classic actors of yesterday to the classic artists from yesterday . If thats really all streaming is about then its really not for me. At first i thought steaming was a higher quality of music compared to cd playback. But its really more about convenience. If i like something i would rather just buy it on cd. And they are mine to keep.Not renting songs. That is just my opinion and what works for me. Now if the sound quality was second to none compared to cd playback that could be a different story.
I’m pretty sure there’s lots of classic rock on the streaming services that you haven’t heard, OP, and there’s a lot of music being made today that’s really good, that a classic rock lover would enjoy. Tidal let’s you stream free for 30 days sometimes longer. What have you got to lose? And if you already knew you didn’t want to try streaming, no matter what, why ask the question?

What I like about streaming is as many here have mentioned, the access to literally millions of albums. I like to read through the music forum here and get ideas for new music. For example, one band that seems  popular from the classic rock era, tattoedtrackman, is Camel. I'm not really familiar with them yet I have access to their music and can listen to different albums without having to purchase them. This is a great way to explore new music options conveniently at my fingertips.