Tom Petty: It was an "accidental" OD

It was just reported on my local news that Tom Petty's autopsy revealed the cause of his death was an "accidental" overdose. When is an overdose not accidental? The report said multiple drugs were found in his system, as is often the case with OD's.

The reason they label the Manner of death as "accidental " because it could be a Homicide or Suicide , which would change the "Manner of Death".
Was it self induced? Did the Party intentional know they were over medicating?  
Did someone assist the Party or administer the drugs with intensions of overdosing the Party
So the manner of Death could reasonably change from "accidental ", to Suicide or/and Homicide
“ Speedball rang the night clerk”.....
give that another spin for deeper meaning...
wow do I miss him
i have a quarter million dollar foot and have had a few rounds of surgery needing some pain meds - I still have 3 left, long expired but there so I understand the desire to get off them ASAP..... but

"It’s tough to beat opioids for severe pain." ......stated in a prior post.
Actually, opioids alone are frequently only 
mediocre in treating many types of pain and in fact, in larger dosages, can make the pain actually worse. Using non-opioid medications ( acetaminophen, NSAIDS, Gabapentin like agents) and physical therapy when appropriate, along with some opioids, is currently the best method to achieve reasonable, safe pain relief. 
This was my response to another post here on this topic.

I am 60 years old.

I have had spinal fusion from T8 to S2 (shoulder blades down to the butt crack, 10 surgeries over a 7 year period) and have had both knees replaced (a year ago).  

Leading up to the surgeries were 10 years of incorrect diagnoses, until I came across the surgeons who operated on Gloria Estefan (broken vetebra from a bus accident in 1990), and I received my first proper diagnosis, which led to my first spine fusion surgery.  

Twelve years ago, one of the surgical implants broke and pierced my spinal cord and I was hospitalized on and off over a six month period with bacterial meningitis.

For that 7 year surgery period I was on morphine, as the level of pain at times could be extreme. I could not take fentanyl, as it is usually delivered via patch and I am allergic to latex and most surgical adhesives.

If you were to meet me, you would not pick up on any of this, as the only possible give away is that I look fatter than I really am (huge actually), as some of my ribs on the left side were removed (bone is used to augment spine fusion) and my left side protrudes out about 10 inches.  

I have taught myself how to walk, speak, and write again. I can not sleep in a bed. Every day involves a conversation with myself about how I am going to put one more day in the record books.

I tell my story for only one reason ... what my journey has taught me is to never comment or speculate about the pain that anyone feels, because I don't know what pain level he or she may be at and what their coping skills are ... regardless of position or wealth.  

Without coming off as preachy, Tom Petty deserves that consideration, as well. So accidental or not, better off or not, it is a conversation that he has with his maker.  

I feel for his family and friends and all those dependent on him, because it has most likely not been a fun journey.  Just as I feel for my own circle, because it has not been fun.  
