Looking for speaker recommendations that I can purchase on Amazon.com

Budget: under US$5000 and would prefer a price point of less than $3000/pair. The most expensive speakers I have owned so far are Polk RTi A7's, so this will be a big jump for me.

Purpose: music

Room: I tend to move every few years, so I don't want speakers that will work best only with very specific room conditions. Currently, I will be using these in a medium size room of about 22 feet x 18 feet. The room has carpet and window treatments.

Music sources: CD's, lossless music files stored on computer and MP3's when that's all I have available. I don't ahve any SACD's yet, but I plan on purchasing more high quality music once I have this system set up.

Music styles: acoustic, Indian classical (sitar, srangi, flute), alternative rock (Portugal. The Man, Sleeping with Sirens, etc.), older rock (e.g., Rush).

The speakers should sound good playing the Tanpura (aka Tambura). It is a classical Indian accompaniment instrument in the "drone" category. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanpura) Example of sound here:
With bad equipment that sound is fatiguing to me. Live it is beautiful and relaxing. Hopefully I can find speakers that will do it justice.

Personal Preferences: I am looking for non-fatiguing, warm, musical qualities. In another discussion topic here on this forum, @mtrot and I agreed about "smooth, sweet, soft, silky treble" and "shimmery, airy cymbals" as goals.

Amplifier: Yamaha P5000S

DAC: to be determined, but probably something like the Teac NT-503

Finally, the speakers of choice must be sold on Amazon.com, Bestbuy.com (or possibly some other similar retail website). I have personal reasons for this limitation. It isn't always true that I will need to buy all my speakers or audio gear from one of these sites, but for the moment, it is a requirement. Please don't recommend anything that isn't available on one of these sites. Thanks.

@nycjlee - I'll add B&W 700 series to my list. Thanks.

I think one person here (another thread) said these are the "best speakers at any price". I suppose that's not true, but it does seem like a lot of people like B&W speakers.

Over here, someone says the 705 is vastly better than the 702.

The 705 is vastly better in all sonic respects - including the bass, if you buy one of B&W's many subs. It even costs about the same or less. ... The 705 is really the star of the range & most reviewers are saying so.
Someone else said B&W's tend to be "warm". That might be a good thing for me. I'll have to listen and see.

Anyway, here's my list so far:

  • Sonus Faber Chameleon T (not finding any color I like...)
  • Tannoy XT 8F Mediun Oak
  • Dynaudio Excite X34 Rosewood
  • B&W 700 series Rosenut
BTW, my local BestBuy doesn't have a Magnolia show room, but if I can find the time to take a short trip I know of a Best Buy that does have a Magnolia show room.

Having never visited any audiophile show room, how valuable is it given that the speakers might sound entirely differently in my own listening room.  I was thinking just buy, try and return if I don't like. But return shipping can be costly and it also takes time.

I would have to agree with jl35. You need to listen to some of these speakers. We all hear a differently so buy the speakers that sound the best to you. Don’t worry about what other say or what you read in reviews.  Go and listen to as many speakers as you can.  Where are you located? I’m sure members can give you recommendations to audio store you can visit and audition. Don’t sell yourself short, you have a healthy budget, you can put together a great system. 
@nycjlee "You need to listen to some of these speakers."

In particular, I would like to listen to the MartinLogan - ElectroMotion ESL 8" because they are so different.

However, the recommendations here are very helpful. If I find a showroom where I can listen, I can go in with a list of speakers I'd like to audition. Or at least I will have greater familiarity with the brands, etc. Right now I know nothing. I need recommendations and then I need to read reviews of those.

Yes, I used to work on UH-60s, Bells and Robinsons. 

Maybe you already explained the reason, but is something other than return policy keeping you from considering other sellers?

I've bought and returned numerous items with Music Direct and there was no hassle. They require the buyer to cover return shipping, but Amazon would too.

I've also had great experiences with Crutchfield. I once returned a 50lb amp and they charged only $10 dollars for return shipping. They also have a 60 day return window.

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