Audible Illusions M3B with Aragon amp?

About a month and a half ago I ordered a new M3B (was told I'd have it in 1 1/2 to 2 weeks - still hasn't been shipped!) and I'll be using it with an Aragon 4004 mk ii amp, along with some fairly low efficiency (86db) speakers T+A Criterion 300's.  The Aragon is kind of low impedance - 22k - and I'm wondering whether this'll be an ok matchup or if I'll have to start shopping for another amp?  Any opinions or experiences?
I received the M3B this morning, got it all set up, reversed the polarity on the speakers as well as on the subwoofer, and have been sitting here listening to music and loving it. I too thought there’d be a problem with the gain, but the problem doesn’t exist. Not in the least bit noisy. The volume switches are set at 11:00 for a moderately loud but comfortable listening level, and no attenuators are required. I think I’ll like this preamp for a good while.
I remember back in the 90’s Corey Greenberg used an AI M3A with the Aragon 4004 and he loved the combination. I believe he was using some large Snell speakers with them.

Good Luck!
I read many articles and reviews by Corey Greenberg- joey54.
He is missed.
Happy Listening!
stmike, consider yourself lucky that you received the preamp in under 2 months. i ordered mine at about the same time as you. i hope this is a good sign for me.
 also, i was concerned that hurricane irma might have affected his operation in northeast florida....i guess he's ok down there thank goodness... good luck with yours!

(anxiously awaiting mine)

 mike from pa
Good luck with that Mike.  I think the secret is to phone and bug them about it on a weekly basis.  It seemed to me that they only had one tech working on them, and he was out for a bit.  But I'm 3000 miles away from them, so can't vouch for anything.  But I can say that, although very frustrating to me, it was worth the wait.