Tech That Flopped!

Every few months someone releases technology that seems to be revolutionary, but goes nowhere a couple of years later. Some tech gets acceptance and even imitation. Some goes wildly successful.

Ideas that are a huge success:
  • Acoustic suspension
  • Bass Reflex
  • Soft dome tweeters
Some ideas, well, it's not so clear:
  • Perfectly time aligned speakers ilke Thiel/Vandersteen
  • ESL
  • Line Arrays
  • Plasma tweeters
  • Transmission line
What tech have you seen come and go, was it worthwhile?


Sony Betamax 

Spent a lot of time borrowing CD's from the library 35 years ago and putting 4 albums on a L750 tape - PCM digital taping on the cheap -  still have two players gathering dust 
Re: liquid filled cables, I assume Randy means the Purist Audio Design cables. Bought two pair in the 1990’s (nicknamed "Texas Water Cables" by Stereophile).and they still sound very good. PAD is very much alive some 25 years later and continues to make and sell excellent sounding cables and power cords, albeit with different substances now inside the jacket.

"What was old is new again.."  Over and over....

ESLs' are great when done properly.  Same for TLs' and pretty much any cabinet design and execution when the drivers are selected for the application.  

Line source has their either love 'em or hate them.  They 'go loud' Beautifully.  Accurately?  Well, debate away....

Plasmas are beyond 'niche'.  Nowhere near 'practical', but interesting to hear....then go outside for awhile....take some deep breaths.

Time aligning....seems to matter most to the equipment used to measure such.  Some can hear its' effects, most don't.  Not applied to the majority of offerings, and is only noted by those that apply it.

As usual, cost and execution will drive what you pay for what you desire and consider important or necessary.  From the front equipment to the drivers you hear.  'Twas always thus, and no end in sight.

Yup...Capt. Obvious strikes again. *G*  Enjoy what you've got, lust for what you desire. ;)
I kind of assumed Randee was referring to one of his favorite companies, Teo Cables, which uses liquid for the conductor, you know, as opposed to the more mundane PAD cables that use liquid in the jacket. 

The idea of a horse-less carriage is definitely not a flop.

Steam engines for cars however, we can call a complete flop, though we can argue they put us on the road towards the internal combustion engine.

Cars with electric engines are pretty mainstream now. I won’t call a Camry a Tesla, of course, but the general principle of using electric engines in automobiles has gained a large acceptance and created a vigorous marketplace. Whether 100% electric or hybrids, is still being debated.

ESL’s and time-aligned speakers, even if the best speakers ever made, have not exactly caught on mainstream, but continue to participate in the marketplace. Probably as well as horn speakers but better than single-driver models.

ESL's and time-aligned are certainly doing a lot better than Betamax.

The Carver Magnetic Field amplifier - I would _almost_ call it a flop by now but Yamaha, NuForce and NAD seem to be producing models based on a similar ideas.
