Conrad Johnson Officially Transfers ownership

According to Audio Beat August 17 article, Jeff Fischel is now the owner of CJ, Jeff has been w/the company since the late 80's. Good to see they din't sell to outside interests. Hate to have another Thiel car crash. Also some new gear is on the way. A new ET 7  preamp and a high end Headphone preamp are on the way in 2018. If you look at the current CJ website the ET 5 isn't listed as a current preamp but is in the vintage category. Wonder if the ET 5 is gone??
Is the LS-28 the most economical preamp they make?? I had a SP-16 it was an excellent preamp. They made excellent affordable preamps. The LS-28 is a pretty expensive entry fee to get into ARC unless you buy used.
From what I read about Jeff Fischel, he seems to be committed to continuing what made Conrad Johnson successful in the past.

When McIntosh was owned by Clarion, they said they were committed to continuing what made them successful in the past, but got them into car audio (which was never successful) and some cheaper equipment that was not consistent with the equipment the founders made.

Hopefully the new owners of B&W won't take that company down a road where they cease to do what made them great.
Hello.  My name is Roberto Herrera, and I represent Conrad Johnson, here in Costa Rica.   I got this email from Lew...

" Dear Roberto,

As you will have seen from our most recent newsletter, Jeff has taken over the business at conrad-johnson design. I am delighted to have our business in his highly capable hands. Jeff will be making all business decisions and supervising/overseeing operations at conrad-johnson. Bill and I will focus our energies on product development and marketing. I will, of course, want to remain in contact with you and several other of our distributors who I am pleased to count among my close friends. Know that I will be happy to continue to assist in whatever way I can.

warm regards,

Lew Johnson..."

My understanding is that Lew and Bill sold part of his Company to Jeff, and now Jeff is taking all the logistics for service and sales...both Bill and Lew will continue with the company...
I do believe this is a very wise decision for all...

Right now, I am enjoying the sound of the two recent products, the power amp model Classic One Twenty SE and the new preamplifier model ET-7. I really do like a lot the change that I did to my system...
Regards, from Costa Rica,