Need advice about upgrading speakers ( it might be the last one i own).

Need some friendly advice or recommendations about a major upgrade in speakers. I am looking to buy used to stretch my dollar

I currently own a pair of Golden Ear Technology model 7's speaker. They are 3 years old and retail for $1395.. They can sound very  good in my set-up and are accurate, but also are a bit edgy on top, and also  don't convey the feeling or emotion of real music. Without getting into the definition of "real music",or the ambiguous  terms euphonic vs real, or warm versus  analytical,  just  say I would like to acquire a better sounding speaker. I play a fair amount of classic rock, and rock/jazz fusion and classical symphonic is getting a lot of play time recently.

So far, I have considered:

Revel Concerta F-206 ( retail $3500) 

Choral 826W ( $3500);

PBS Imagine T-2 ( $3500 )

Tannoy XT-8F  ( $2600 retail).

Vienna Acoustics Baby Beethoven ( $4500 retail ?) 

Audio Physic Tempo 25 ( $6995?) ( not the later 'plus" version) 

Audio Physic Scorpio  retail $6500 )  

Audio Physic Sitara 25  ($4995 retail);  

 ProAC D-25 (retail ??)

Audio Physic Virgo II  ( $5495 retail )    

I have heard the Tannoy and Revel and AP Virgo II.  The Revel and Tannoy sounded very good , but the Revel has the  lead.   I have heard other Vienna Acoustic speakers and was not overly impressed  The AP Tempo Plus is also in serious consideration.  For the record, I am looking a smoother, and more musical speaker than the GET 7's

Magneplanars are too problematic in placemen;, therefore, I have almost eliminated them from consideration. 

Thank you,  S.J.



I've been an audio professional since the early 1970s, and tend to focus my career in the performance area. I am the technical director for a local professional orchestra to keep an active relationship with live music. I've always faced the dilemma to determine the "best speakers" for a specific system. Since over 60% of what you hear is reflections and not "the" speaker - that has become my starting point. Before the emotions and hormones kick in - get a realistic grip on your budget. Then focus on application - the type and desired volume of your preferred performance. Tailor that to practical realism (wife acceptance factor, neighbors, etc.). Then you can develop a plan and research toward fulfillment. People always ask me and I have B&W Matrix 2, McIntosh electronics, and a tuned room. But that's just me and it took 27 years to get there! A lot of people enjoy daily all the speakers that have been mentioned. Just remember - it should be a balanced that includes the environment. Good luck.

Well it seems most response denote their price point and all I can say is that there is certainly quality to every price point and most of these people are telling you Revel this or that and for them it worked but they probably can't afford a better speaker.  

What is your budget?  You ask a question without details leaves everyone guessing. 

my two cents:  Focal & B&W are simply where it is at.  Spendor (D7 & D9) are quite special, but you need Money for all three!  I am not talking that cheap product you can get at your box stores.  The wife loves Focal and most of our listeners are blown away.  The clarity and precision of the music is amazing.  

I wouldnt buy anything without listening to them first! 
most of these people are telling you Revel this or that and for them it worked but they probably can't afford a better speaker.


Not to detract from Focal and B&W, but to dis Revel as a low budget option in favor of Focal or B&W is absurd.  

As 4425 and several others here have already said, The F206 is a great choice and F208 even better if you have the room and can find a nice used pair.  You've heard them and liked them.....I'd say look no further.  You will spend lots of time and headache trying to exceed the F206 or F208 within your budget.

To helomech I checked out a few reviews of the Spendor LS3/6.  and also their website. They have  a published high-end spec to 17,000HZ.  That is no better than a Large Advent or Dynaco A-25.  In addition, some of the reviews were problematic about playing them at high volume, and losing accuracy.  Actually, the Spendor SB88 reviewed better ( are they still current?? )

To Nonoise (who recommended the Prana 5090), the Von Schweikert  VR-22 has received excellent reviews.  It is a two way floor stander  that sells factory direct for $2895. VSA offers a 90 day home trial. Does any one either own them or heard them at a friend's house??   This may become the dark horse in the quest.    

To those who recommended Sonus Faber Elipse SE and 2 other models, there is a pair of SF's Cremona on AG.  (They are not the "M"  model)  I believe they sell for $3600.   Beautiful speaker, but they weigh approx. 85 lbs each.  Thanks to all who have responded  Your recommendation have been very helpful 

Have a nice holiday.   S.J.