Fastest way to correct hifi system?

Just wonder what you think is the fastest and most hasslefree route to buy a hifi system which one are satiesfied with longterm? Call the nearest hifidealer and tell your soundsignature preferences, roomsize and the amount you will use, or read magazinereviews and internetforums etc. for months or years trying to find the perfect system money can buy? Or just go to the nearest town and listen to as many system combinations in your pricebracket as possible and try to figure out what is the best for you? 
@sakelig Buy all the components from a single brand!

- Cambridge Audio
- Rega
- Naim
etc... there are many companies out there

Which one sounds best? - pick one - they all sound pretty darn good !

That way you are capitalizing on the company's expertise of designing and building components that work together
- not the personal preferences/prejudices of an audio store or sales person

- some components may not be the "absolute best" choice,
- it might not be the most cost effective approach either
- but it will work and sound very good also !

And Then...
- NEVER log onto to this, or any other forum again - it can drive you nuts!!!

Hope that helps :-)


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Don't be in such a hurry.  Take as long as you need until you're satisfied, otherwise you're wasting your time and money.  Then you'll have to start all over again.


Fastest way does not mean rush. It means proper logical structure of choosing shortest path with smallest number of traffic lights and busy intersections.