Best Tube Amp For Sonus Faber? Or Pass XA-100.5? $6-7,500 Budget, Purchasing Used.

As the title says, I have a pair of Sonus Faber Olympica III's that I am more than pleased with, for which I am trying to determine the best available amplifier, preferably tube. Of course, there are always budget limitations and my budget for this amp would be $6-7,500, and I would be buying used to maximize purchasing power.

Based on a lot of research, and quite a few auditions at brick and mortar stores, various home systems, Axpona, etc. I'm honestly not sure if there are any truly exceptional tube amplifiers available within that budget that meet my needs. These speakers need 100wpc tubed, or 200 wpc solid state, into 4 ohms to really open up and perform. 

If, in the end, there are no really great tubed options, I've always heard that the Pass Labs XA-100.5's were probably the optimal choice in solid state for former tube lovers. I would also appreciate any thoughts on that option from owners. 
Yes, the 100.5 work very effectively in single ended mode.

I am surprised to hear that the 160.5’s would operate differently, as the specs are identical (aside from the power), and I assume the circuitry is identical as well.

I see the seller has marked that ad as "Sold", and relisted while raising his asking price $1,000.
Timing, it would appear, is everything. The additional $1000.00, plus what it would cost to ship those 130 pound beasts (x2) nearly across the country has essentially taken out them out of my budget :(

He has also changed the ad to reflect that they are only available for one day........
He has also changed the ad to reflect that they are only available for one day........

Interesting sales strategy.
Let's see how that works out for him in a buyer's market.
Can I throw in a monkey wrench?

Have you or would you consider a PS Audio BHK 250 or a pair of BHK 300 monos? Tube hybrid amps that are wonderful and put out less heat than the Pass amps. I've owned them and if purchased properly, can be a great deal. 

The PS Audio BHK gear is Stereophile Class A rated and is truly amazing. I still have my BHK preamp and will eventually replace the amps.