Clarity Cap CMR Impressions

Wondering if anyone has updated their passive crossover with the Clarity Cap CMR.
I'd like to hear how they compare to the MR and comparable competition. I saw some threads on the MR but not these.

I just received Clarity CMR caps that will go into my 2-way Mundorf/ScanSpeak system soon.

ESR was normal, around 0.4 Ohms @1kHz for 10uF.

Caps are now puck shaped, instead of cans. About 12% smaller by volume. They also measure really tightly. Like, within 0.2% of each other and of spec. While the MR versions were also pretty tightly controlled, they were about 1% under marked values on my measurements. Still well within the 3% spec.

Going from 1% to 0.2% of marked value speaks to greatly improved manufacturing tolerances. Refinements like this are not at all easy to make.

I’ll add listening impressions much later.
hi guys, 
someone of you has compared CMR vs MR ?
what are the sound deifferences ?

thank you
Man I have been slacking. I've been afraid of dismantling my current crossovers to put these in. :) I didn't do a very good job of making them upgradeable. :) I'll try to get to it this weekend.

I'm putting in a pair of caps, 4uF and 12uF
