

Responses from dmhenley

Sophia Electric KT88-ST impressions
I've added the SE 6SL7 to the fun. I compared it to a couple nos tubes I have. Posted on the site. In general, a similar experience in that the SE tube sounds more linear, open and maybe with a slight bit more gain. 
Sophia Electric KT88-ST impressions
http://thenewold.co/the-sophia-electric-kt88-st-dont-say-you-dont-notice-them/My impressions in detail. 
Sophia Electric KT88-ST impressions
@boxer12 The most balanced of any of the tubes I've tried yet in my system, from top to bottom. I suppose this is why I like them. I've yet to find the compromising flaw. My experience is limited, but I've not heard this amp sound like this before... 
Clarity Cap CMR Impressions
Look forward to hearing your impressions. Thanks! 
Clarity Cap CMR Impressions
Following up...must be getting close to 100 hours on these caps. Listening to Nolatets record, Dogs, and everything is more natural sounding. Closer to being in the room - it's a live recording - and, the mids are more open and even on a track whe... 
Clarity Cap CMR Impressions
@dgarretson Hi Dave, thanks again. This was my first crossover upgrade, and I'm very happy with the result. I went from stock - which were Dayton caps - and, the improvement is significant.  
Clarity Cap CMR Impressions
@erik_squires Heh, yes it would...but not knowing - it won't keep me from enjoying the music ;) 
Clarity Cap CMR Impressions
Ok, wow. Startling dynamics. Tone, texture and nuance are all enhanced - more real -  acoustic instruments sound more like they should. Micro-dynamics are better translated, even at low volumes.Well worth the investment, in my humble system.Detail... 
Clarity Cap CMR Impressions
Hi Dave,Can I ask - is there a resource available online for non-engineer types like myself to help illustrate what happens to a cap over time as a signal is run through it? I'm interested in what happens, and how that relates to audio quality.Tha... 
Clarity Cap CMR Impressions
Took advantage of PCX sale and grabbed the CMR.Will be posting impressions in time. 
Clarity Cap CMR Impressions
Thanks to you both! Appreciate the insight - and, I am thinking I’ll give the CMR a spin.Happy Holidays. 
Primaluna - Rolling pre tubes question...
Thank you Kevin!This thread has been very helpful for me. And I have found exactly what you've described with the Cifte. I have them back in the center position, and they have settled in - Very happy overall. 
Primaluna - Rolling pre tubes question...
Saki70 - I do like the Cifte's, but I did lose some presence in the mids and upper bass. Much like all of your experiences were, I found swapping the stock PLs back in brought me back where I want to be. Eventually, I will continue to experiment -... 
Primaluna - Rolling pre tubes question...
One week with the Cifte 12AU7s in the front position, and PL stock tubes in the rear. I'm assuming they may still be settling in...probably 40 hours or so on them.I'm hearing clarity across all frequencies - not harsh - more like we've turned the ... 
Primaluna - Rolling pre tubes question...
Newbee - Appreciate the help.Mechans - Thanks for the recommendations - I was thinking about Telefunken, though budget may not allow it at this point. I'd say transparency is key, but balance overall suits my taste. I think the Cifte will add a to...