And B&K owners here?

I have the ST 140 (105 w version) powering my ZU Omen Defs. Great low end and very smooth, non fatiguing mids and highs. More than enough power ( my Zus are 101 Db efficient). 

Although I love the amp, I will be upgrading this year. I’m thinking of a new Yamaha AS2100 or a used MAC. I want SS.

I thought about the Musical Concepts B&K upgrade, but figured I should go newer.

I heard a Yamaha as2100 a while back with the standard Omens and was taken back how deep and wide the music sounded. It was fantastic.

I’ll hang on to my B&K for a second system. I had a custom faceplate made so it would fit in cabinet.

Just curious how how others like their B&K amps and what they upgraded to?

Back in 1985 I put together a system consisting of Sonographe SG3 TT w/ Sumiko MMT arm, Tasliman cartridge; B&K ST-140 and Pro10 pre; Vandersteen 2s (1978 models). Enjoyed it for about 8 years then replaced the Vandys with Sound Dynamics STi  300s. Kept the B&K gear 25 years. Felt the 140 to be the best of that system.
Nice.  How did you like the Sonographe TT?  I had a Rega Planar 3 for many years but always liked the looks of the Sonographe.  Also, how did you like the Sound Dynamics compared to the Vandys?
Thanks Lou. I was very proud of that system for the money I had in it. I still own the Sonograph TT. It was my only source as I did not jump into digital until the year 2000, never thought early digital sounded as good as vinyl at that time. Now mostly digital, computer based. Curious as to how it would compete against todays budget turntables. 

The Sound dynamics were more detailed, faster however not as deep in bass, more dynamic. A truly great speaker at its price. Now my Vandys were a very early model 2 (1977-1978).  I sold them and then they were returned to me several years later with non functional drivers. Cost to repair was too high so I gutted them and made bass traps with the enclosures. 
I had the Vandy 1B's a long time ago, I thought they were very pleasing sounding but not the most accurate.  I think I prefer the more accurate British 2 way monitor sound to the Vandersteens.

I'm sure your Sonographe TT would still compare very favorably to any of the budget TT's today.  I must admit, at 56, I'm still a bit stuck in the 80's when it comes to audio gear and I still believe most of the older stuff also compares very favorably with today's stuff.  More nostalgic and fun-ner to own too!
As my system now resides in a bedroom, I also prefer 2-way monitors. Currently a pair of Esoteric MG 10s.

I upgraded my B&K ST140/Pro10 to a Vincent integrated then went separates. Currently using a BEL 1001 MK5 SS amp and Jolida Fusion tube pre.