Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Looking at the Stereophile photo of the Ohms in-room positioning, I find them to look a bit oddly toed. Although Ohms are fairly unfussy, this still looks a bit strange. Also not getting a bit more spread between the speakers could have possibly helped some. All of this of course me saying and thinking out loud-without me even being there, mind.....Okay, will get my coat now....

Regardless, I am still glad John and Co. did do the show, and hopefully good came out of it. If nothing else awareness that Ohm was indeed still alive and well! I can surely see though how a show environment can be tough and quite taxing. 

Frazeur1:  I questioned John's assistant about the positioning.  Mine are toed in as well, but not quite as much as the show pair.  He replied that they had spent a lot of time positioning he 1000s, and this was the best they could do.

I know for a fact that one fellow bought a pair of 1000s, taking advantage of the show special discount.  I wouldn't be surprised if he sold a few pairs.

As for letting everyone know Ohm is alive and well, Ohm does do a fair amount of targeted web advertising.  I think the press coverage, overall, was positive, and will be beneficial to Ohm.

Very good Bond! Who was John's assistant, did you get a name? Just curious.

Hopefully they did get some good sales as a result of their presence at the show.

Sorry, frazeur1, I cannot recall the young fellow's name.  But he looked to be in his 20s.


I have the newer cabinet in my Ohms. From what I can tell the older cabinets seem to be far better constructed than the new ones. When I replaced a can that was damaged during shipping I posted some photos of the interior of the newer cabinets. Honestly it is pretty low quality including the use of a cardboard tube for the bottom port. I don't think many $3k sets of speakers would use similar "technology." :)

Like you I am not getting sound that seems to come from the cabinet, but the super tweeter can be a bit directional at times. Do remember that as I have said in the past my last speakers were Magnepan 3.6 speakers. I am used to have a huge line source ribbon playing upper frequencies. The fact that a dome tweeter is able to be listenable in my system is a huge compliment to Ohm.


I agree with your point. There is no right or wrong on this issue and I think that is the issue that I have with many of these magazines. There seems to be an emphasis that there is a certain sound that is "high fidelity" and other sounds are present only due to some sort of "low fidelity" inferior design.

Like all speakers designs there are a series of choices made that result in a net sound that is liked by some and not by others.