VPI Avenger

I had the pleasure of hearing this table in 6 different rooms at RMAF, and it sounds and looks beautiful.
Are there any owners of this table that could share their thoughts? I'm seriously considering ordering one. I have the original Classic TT and want to move up the VPI line.
Not sure what accounts for the vitriol here. The OP had seen and heard the Avenger at RMAF, was impressed, and was hoping some folks who own one might report on their experiences to help with an upgrade decision. What followed were some pretty sharp attacks on VPI (the company and the founder). Having visited VPI twice within the past year, I can tell you that it is a family owned small business that is run with warmth and professionalism. The vibe is upbeat and everyone on staff is wildly enthusiastic about the core mission: advancing the art of vinyl playback for the broadest possible range of consumers. During my visit I was fortunate to be able to meet with Mat and Harry. During our discussions it was abundantly clear that priority one was meeting the needs of an extremely loyal following by offering products that provide consistently superior sound at reasonable prices. We talked about music, new product offerings, exciting ideas still on the drafting table and ways of ensuring that new developments could be brought to customers for reasonable prices. Like any small, successful business, the place was popping but both Mat and Harry graciously took time to give me a tour and talk passionately about their work. The suggestion made by some here that the focus of VPI is on hyping overpriced product with overzealous eye toward the bottom line simply doesn't square with my experience. My first high end table was an HW19 back in the early 1990s. Since then I've owned a Systemdeck IIX, Linn Sondek and Townshend Rock. I returned to VPI with the release of the Scout and have never looked back. The Scout was greeted in the audiophile community with well deserved accolades for delivering remarkable performance for relatively little money. We should all be grateful that Mat has taken over the reigns upon Harry's retirement. As his gracious responses here attest, he is a man of character and integrity who will offer the next generation of vinyl enthusiasts an affordable means of achieving truly high end sound in their homes as well as cutting edge products for those who want (and can afford) to acquire a top flight record spinner. It would be one thing if people who had heard the Avenger under controlled conditions did not like the performance and commented accordingly. It is quite another to willfully steer the discussion toward baseless assaults on the company and those who run it.
dodgealum, I couldn't agree with you more!

I've been enjoying my VPI Avenger for over 6 months now.  It's the finest TT I've ever owned.  I owned the original Classic since it was introduced, the Avenger is simply in a league above.  This is the last TT I will ever buy.  I bought the base Avenger but paid extra for the magnetic drive.  It has such a quietness to it, I'm totally satisfied!
I have to agree with dodgealum, based on my own personal experience with HW and VPI.
Full disclosure,  this is Mat from VPI.

I'm not in front of a computer and haven't had a chance to read the full response but I need to respond to this motor claim. From Scout on up (Avenger... Titan) the motors are all made in America. The Chinese slanderous comments were started by a competing company and they are totally false. We value our company and I don't believe in PR firms or PR people. Tried that once and the guy was full of it!

I got into this industry because of family and the loses we faced and try to be true to myself and our customers. I wear my heart on my sleeve with VPI, I can't do anything upon how that passion is perceived by others. 
Mat, I'm glad that you put to rest the origin of the Hurst motors.

I took you at your word, previously, that you took comments in a way that allowed you to clear up any confusion. Although none of my other remarks had any affect, at least you cleared this one up. I'm a life long VPI customer, so I too, wear my heart on my sleeve when I post. Thanks.