Trafomatic Audio Luna LCR phonostage

These days I am looking into tube phono stages a lot. Especially phonostages which are within $5-6k and that can serve in a serious high end system. While I know that solid state phonostages have traditionally been known for their low noise and high dynamic presentation, I still believe that harmonics that tubes preserve (and SS throw away) can be a great asset to the end result i.e music. And if well designed tubes can do low noise and high dynamic range too.

I know that an all-tube 70db phono gain is a steep challenge and while there are manufacturers who have attempted it (e.g Aesthetix, NVO), the response from the users have been mixed. I am more for the conventional approach of using a top quality tube MM stage with a top quality SUT (matched to the cartridge) or FET stage. In this realm there are not many serious options in the $5k range if I look around. The few that I have looked at are:

Allnic H1500 II SE
Luxman EQ-500
Herron VTPH-2 
Leben RS-30EQ

Then there are some full function tube preamps which do have very competitive in-built phonostages like the Shindo Masseto, Manley Steelhead, CAT Ultimate etc.

Here is another one that looks like very good contender for a top quality tube phonostage in this budget:

An LCR design using an all-out tube design with interstage transformers and output transformers, so absolutely no capacitor in the path. MC stage is handled by Lundahl 1941 amorphous cobalt core SUTs. This looks like a no compromise assault for this price category. I have not yet heard it but whenever I have heard Trafomatic products I have always come back with a smile. They have been consistently balanced and musical without any typical voicing artifacts. They never sounded like a product that has been hastily put together or built out of a garage. For a tube amp I have never heard them having any hum or noise issues. In fact I have always found his amps to have a very matured sound. In that regards this is a phono stage I am excited about. If anyone gets an opportunity to hear them, do share your thoughts here.
Lynn Olson did a study of the harmonic spectrum of different coupling techniques. His results might be of interest to those curious about IT transformers.
The smooth fall-off of harmonics is especially noteworthy in the transformer-coupled circuit - the reason for the excitement about the naturalness and "directness" of transformer coupling is obvious when looking at the spectral data. This is the best distribution of harmonics I've seen — looking almost exactly like an RCA "textbook" distribution of spectral content.

Disclaimer: My phono pre., line stage, and power amps are all transformer coupled - input and output.
Lewm, there are also phono stages like the 47 Labs phonocube which does not load the cart at all. I guess when we change the playing field in terms of coupling the cart to the phono, "loading" behaves differently.
Pani, that Lundahl series is a superb transformer. I just upgraded to a pair of 1931's (lower gain), and recommend them highly.

Rather to my surprise, they need no Sobel network, just a good clean loading resistor (I use nude Vishay). Every add-on fix that you can avoid, improves the sound, IMO.
The Luna costs £15,000, not in $5-6k. I am also looking for an LCR phonostage in this price range, $5K. Any suggestions?