Please Support Music Education

Music education is more than just education. It's integration, it's culture. Those who can play music can change the world. Throughout American History music has been a force towards integration, equality and justice.

To have music education is to enrich.  To deny it is to impoverish. If

For these reasons and many others, I would like to encourage all music lovers to support music education at all levels, and of all kinds. Supporting public school music programs, classical music theory and history through music is to enrich us all.

Thank you,

Music isn't about education. It's about talent combined with courage and desire to learn. Talent + courage and desire = Musician.

I often blast an analogy example the last dialogue between Beatrix Kiddo and Bill when Bill explained that Superman was born a Superman and wakes up as a Superman. Same with musician.

Well damn, you are right.  All those college programs and music schools are just a load of crap. Can't believe they make money at that.

czarivey just may be what we'd call a "music snob"...s'cool, not uncommon at all, really. 

"...Superman was born a Superman and wakes up as a Superman. Same with a musician."  

Juilliard graduates, for example, have included: Miles Davis, Itzhak Perlman, Bernard Herrmann, Yo-Yo Ma and others. 

I'm sure they all could've gone to any music school, but maybe you should've asked one of them, or any of Juilliard's current crop, if **they** see themselves as "waking up as a Superman" every day...I don't really know myself what any of them would in fact say, but it might be an interesting question to pose.

Great musicians have been made without music school, but suggesting that music schools have little or no positive effect on music or musicians, to me, is a bit blind.
The evidence is quite clear that exposure to music education at an early age develops better cognitive skills and not only enhances communication ability, but also math comprehension. These are skills that even if jr. is not gifted with natural born musical talents, will benefit the child the rest of his/her life. Also, in the divisive world we live in, music should be a common denominator that we can all enjoy. Not allowing children this opportunity is sad. 
Juilliard graduates, for example, have included: Miles Davis, Itzhak Perlman, Bernard Herrmann, Yo-Yo Ma and others.
Once again it’s Talent + Courage and they were all waking up as musicians from day 1.