MM/MI Phono Stages

I am switching from a Dynavector 10x5 to a Soundsmith Aida. I was always very happy with the 10x5 even after hearing way more expensive carts I was never left dissatisfied with its performance. With its price increasing quite a bit in the last few years I have made a decision to go with a more expensive SS model that can be re-tipped and repaired instead of shelling out money for new MC every couple of years. 

I have been using a Musical Surroundings Nova Phonoema. I also have a very good internal MM in my pre amp that is pretty close the SQ level of the Nova just different.

If I buy used what MM phono stages should I be looking at? I want Capacitance loading options, better sound quality and I don't really want to spend money on the MC option because I don't need it. So are there really good stand alone MM Stages that give you more bang for your buck then getting one on of these MM/MC stages. 


If you insist on front-panel adjustability for load and capacitance, there are only a few choices, either vintage Japanese or modern ones that may or may not include MC gain options inseparable from the design.  EAR is one I can think of right away, but there are several more.  For vintage tube types that do NOT have front panel adjustments for capacitance or load R, I have been very happy with my Quicksilver full function preamplifier.  I also own a Silvaweld SW550 which is excellent.  Then there are all the classic American products from Marantz, McIntosh, Fisher, etc.
front panel adjustment are not big for me. Looking for a musical stage more so than analytical. Would consider tubes or SS. 

Ear, Allinic and Herron are on my list.

Do you actually get a more money going in to the MM stage in the models that don't include MC. If not then I might as well open it back up to all phono stages. I was just wondering if there are advantages in SQ by going with a dedicated MM/MI. Thanks