B&W Sold to a Silicon Valley Startup

Did you all see this news:


I hope it's not a bad omen for a great brand.
This is a very interesting development.   Just thinking into the keyboard...

You've got a younger generation which values convenience, instant access, and ease-of-use...

We've already seen Dynaudio come out with the Xeo line of speakers which combines the DAC and amp in the speaker and accepts the signal wirelessly to simplify the whole system-building process...

You've got a startup which apparently wants to specialize in home automation and which likely will build competitive advantage around software and integration...

And they just acquired the speaker hardware infrastructure to build their home-automation audio systems around.

Think all-in-one integration, think wireless, think walk in your front door and hit a single button on an iPhone app and music fills the house.  

Given what we know about shifting demographics and the economic landscape I think we all know that dramatic change is coming to the audio industry.    B&W selling out to this particular entity may very well be a sea change event. 

For current B&W owners, I wouldn't imagine this would change anything in terms of support, at least in the intermediate term.  Looking forward 7-10 years, who knows what the company will look like, both in terms of product portfolio and financial health.