Neutral electronics are a farce...

Unless you're a rich recording engineer who record and listen to your own stuff on high end equipment, I doubt anyone can claim their stuff is neutral.  I get the feeling, if I were this guy, I'd be disappointed in the result. May be I'm wrong.
Houston we have a problem. Most recordings, including many of the ones audiophiles cherish, actually invert polarity. Who cares if the velocity of air in the recording venture is maintained by the time the recording is played in the listening room. Who cares if the velocity of air is maintained if the trumpet sounds like the musician is sucking instead of blowing? Hel-ooooo! Even many or most of the recordings audiophiles REALLY cherish are out of polarity. You know the ones I’m talking about, Mercury Living Presence, Deutsche Gramophone, Proprius, Columbia Kind of Blue, Opus 3 Depth of Image, in that vein.
That's just a flip of a switch with our MP-1 or MP-3. Actually the number of inverted recordings is more like 50%.
I have a polarity switch on my DAC…it is generally (or always) ignored, and great sounding recordings are great sounding…period. I do bristle when gasbags tell me something sounds wrong when I think it sounds right, and there is nothing quite as pretentious as pretention…recording venture indeed. "Velocity of air" is a generally meaningless term as far as audio is concerned (sound waves pass THROUGH the air, makes waves in it, and thus exist) although there is seemingly no shortage of gas velocity generated by obfuscation and condescension. The sound of gas escaping the bag…blaaaat….
Its interesting that phase inversion tricks often result in most "holographic" recordings.

There have been various gadgets over the years that add this in some form. I had a Omnisonic Imaging device many years ago, also a pre-amp with Carver sonic holography, and a yamaha dsp with various effects.

Al these gadgets worked to various extents when used properly and things set up right.

But when the basics are working and set up right, no such trickery is needed, unless one seeks something more extreme than natural. Some people want that. Some don’t. I want natural not unnatural. The recordings are what they are (we have no control over how made) so ignorance can be bliss there.
Atmasphere do you know if the MLP label recordings were "inverted"?

I've never heard anything about that.   My understanding is they have the "holographic imaging"  the best ones  do because they were miked very simply for that (2 or 3 mikes for natural stereo live recordings).

Did they know of and play phasing tricks in the production?

How about more modern champs like Mapleshade or Dorian?