FUSES??? Just when I just replaced all my PC cords.

So I come across what I think is the next magic pill. "FUSES" Synergistic Research RED Quantum Fuse to be specific. Guaranteed to make a significant improvement in overall sound quality. Or a full refund. Gotta love that, total satisfaction. So, it's got my interest. Let's say one would like to challenge the promise. I have a Jolida tube amp (801) a Jolida JD9II phono pre and a Jolida glass tube DAC III. And I would like to try one fuse to start with. Which of the three components of my system would you recommend trying first?

Thanks in advance for any opinons.  
If only one fuse, I'd do the amp. Also, HiFi Tuning Supreme fuses as well as others.

Is absolutely correct. There are many audio grade fuses available. I have also tried Isoclean, Furutech, HiFi, and standard fuses.

The Synergistic Research fuses do come with a 30 day trial!

Enjoy the improvement of a good fuse. It is worth it.

David Pritchard
Markeettgaux ...

Why not move your questions over to this thread in amps &  preamps? 


It seems as though the source is the best place to start. Dac, CD player, phono stage. 

All of your questions re: SR Red and Black fuses are to be found there/

Take care ...