What Cartridge please?

I have a ClearAudio Concept TT w/satisty tone arm, and currently using a Denon DL110 cart, but I want to upgrade. What is the best cart that this TT can fully utilize?? 
I want to stay with MC carts as I like their sound, and preferably a CA unit, but I'm open in that regard.
My phono stage can handle any cart I throw at it, so no limitations there.

Thanks Fellas,

AT50ANV is precursor to ART7.  The product literature suggests that the two are identical, except that the non-magnetic coil armature was changed from titanium to stiffer and more lightweight liquid crystal polymer.  The commemorative ANV version carries a price premium.

I really like the ART7, but my friend who has both cartridges feels that greater embodiment and dynamics makes the ART9 more involving.   

Well, I don't know, Dave. Once you heard the Lyra Etna maybe you would move up from a Denon DL110.... I really like it.   
I have a Lyra Delos, it is relatively affordable, and really outstanding.  I use it with a j a Michell tecnodec and a Whest phono preamp. The trio produce a really beautiful sound.