Need help with Integrated vs preamp/amp

Hi, I am new here and back into audio. I moved into a condo awhile back and sold all my higher end stuff and bought a Denon AV received with KEF surrounds and that was my system. I did keep my Legacy Classic speakers in hopes of one day rekindling my obsession.

So here I am starting again.

I have been doing somer research and have always been interested in the Acurus and Aragon stuff. I am thinking about a used DIA 100 mk2 integrated amp in the $350 range. Then I started looking at a RL 10 preamp with an A150 or A250 amp that I would have reworked with Ken Ealey. That looks like it will cost me around $1400. Then I thought I am going to need a DAC anyways, so why not look at the NAD C375 BEE with optional DAC. Used I can find this around $900. There is my dilemma. I'll be honest, the $1400 is a bit more than I want to spend right now, but I can do that in stages, buying the preamp and amp before mods is around $550-$650 which is more reasonable.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is probably going to start a firefight but IMO there is absolutely NO good reason to buy old SS gear when the latest batches of inexpensive Chinese made tube Integrated amps(some w/DACS)will outperform them in every area of musical enjoyment.Legacy Classics aren't to hard to drive if I remember.I would look at some of the lower power Class A Single Ended Tube Integrated amps available through Ebay & Amazon(like the 12wpc,triode strapped KT88 from Nobosound).You should also look at a good headphone rig for blowing off steam in the wee hours of the mourning or when you don't want to disturb others in the condo.JMOFWIW
Digital changes too fast. I prefer to keep the DAC separate. Choose your speakers first and then find a suitable an integrated in your price range and add a good quality Dac or source with Dac inside to listen to music, stream, movies etc.

I for one am a big fan of Acurus amps and have owned at twelve of them.  All have been rock solid with no issues at all and I find them very musical(not warm but neutral), punchy bass/midbass, and very detailed.  On the other hand, the NAD 375BEE plus an outboard DAC is a good option if "bang for your buck" is near the top of your list.
