Review: Soundsmith SG-410 Strain Gauge Cartridge Cartridge

Category: Analog

This is a review of the Soundsmith Strain Gauge cartridge and its dedicated SG-410 electronics. I ordered the cartridge with both the standard nude contact stylus (SGS-5) and an additional optimized contour contact stylus (SGS-6). The SG-410 electronics is the remote control version of the basic model with an alternate line input enabling it also to be used as a CD or other source input or even to accept the output from a separate preamplifier.

The workmanship of both the cartridge and the accompanying electronics is outstanding. The cartridge body is a precision-milled piece of aluminum, and the stylus is a delicate ruby cantilever mounted onto a milled piece of aluminum that can easily be attached to or detached from the cartridge body, which enables the stylus to be easily changed or replaced. The photos below show the cartridge mounted on my Triplanar Mk VII tonearm as well as the bottom of the cartridge body and each of the separate stylus assemblies; the SGS-5 is the black one; the SGS-6 is the orange one. This user-replaceable stylus feature is, I think, unique – it obviates the need for retipping cartridges, and makes it both easy and inexpensive to change the stylus.

The SG-410 is a relatively small, low-profile unit (15.5” wide x 15” deep x 3.5” high), which is built on a 0.25” thick aluminum chassis that is wrapped on the sides and front with a hardwood exterior. Soundsmith offers a number of options in terms of the wood that is used; I ordered the standard walnut, and had it finished with an ebony stain so that it appears black with some wood grain showing through the finish. There is a separate power supply in a small aluminum enclosure (6” wide x 8.75” deep x 3” high). I asked Soundsmith to install a DPDT (double-pole double-throw) switch on the power supply to accommodate my usage of 120 volt balanced power – 60 volts of potential between ground and each of the “hot” and “neutral” contacts.

Unlike traditional moving magnet (MM) or moving coil (MC) cartridges, the SG cartridge does not produce a voltage or current. Instead, it responds to mechanical movement in the grooves by changing resistance. As a result, it requires the use of a separate dedicated piece of electronics to generate a direct current against which the changes in resistance can then be converted into an analog signal. This is supposed to have several advantages. First, it should provide for a relatively flat frequency response over a wide range that exceeds the audible range. Second, the SG cartridge is a high compliance cartridge that has a much lower effective moving mass than MC cartridges (which generally have a lower effective moving mass than MM cartridges). The substantially lower effective moving mass should mean, at least theoretically, that there is a substantially lower level of stored energy which could be reflected back down the cantilever and stylus and give rise to mistracking and distortions. All of this should enable the SG cartridge to maintain a better contact with the groove walls and to extract more detail with greater accuracy than either MC or MM cartridges. These advantages were confirmed, as explained below.

One other advantage – which I noticed immediately – is that, even with the gain all the way open, the SG cartridge is dead quiet. I have never experienced any other cartridge that is this quiet. I believe this is due to two key facts. First, the signal flowing in the tonearm cable is derived from a non-inductive source. That is to say, unlike every MC or MM cartridge, there are no coils or other windings that are susceptible to picking up hum or RFI. And second, the SG 410 electronics are exceptionally quiet; this may be due, in part, to the fact there is a much smaller level of gain needed or to the fact that the design and execution are superb. The bottom line, for whatever reason, is that the SG cartridge is just dead quiet with no hum or background noise at all. Period.

I have used the SG for several months now along with the following equipment. The cartridge is mounted on a Triplanar Mk. VII tonearm on a TW Acustic Raven AC-1 turntable. This sits atop a Symposium Svelte Plus platform which lays on a 2” thick slab of Pennsylvania black slate. The slate rests on four Symposium Rollerblock Jrs., which are attached to the tops of 4 posts of a homemade turntable stand constructed out of 3.5” square Ipe wood and braced at two different levels through mortised and tenoned Ipe cross supports. The stand has four 2.5” aluminum cones that rest on a carpeted suspended wooden floor.

The associated electronics are a VAC Renaissance Signature Mk II preamplifier and a VAC Phi 300 amplifier, which drives Verity Audio Lohengrin speakers. Power is fed through a large 350 lb EI-style Topaz 10 kVA transformer that sits in my basement and is hard-wired to provide 60-0-60 volt balanced power with an isolated technical ground. This power is fed directly to the amplifier; all other components are fed this power through a Shunyata Hydra 6. Power cords are Stealth Dream, interconnects are Stealth Indra and M-21, and speaker cables are Stealth Ultimate Ribbon in a bi-wire configuration. All equipment, other than the turntable, the Hydra 6 and the SG-410 power supply, are mounted on Sistrum stands or racks. The SG-410 power supply is mounted on 2” thick Pennsylvania black slate that sits across the lower cross supports of the turntable stand. The dimensions of the room are 21.5 feet wide by 29 feet long; ceiling height is mostly 10 feet.

So, after all of this description, how does the SG cartridge sound? The SG cartridge performed exceptionally well right out of the box, and after about 25 to 30 hours of break-in, improved another 15% to 20% to its current level of outstanding performance. Let me just say that this cartridge far surpasses the best of cartridges I have heard in my system from Benz, Koetsu, Lyra, Miyabi and ZYX. It is the most revealing, three-dimensional and involving cartridge that I have ever heard anywhere. It is extraordinarily detailed, and yet, it marries exquisite detail with a wonderfully layered and lush sound. It provides the fastest transients I have ever heard – nothing else comes even remotely close in this area – and it has a delicacy and purity of decay, sustain and harmonic depth that I have heard only at a live performance in a setting with excellent acoustics. It effortlessly reproduces the lowest and highest frequencies (as well as everything in between) with a depth and clarity like no other cartridge I have ever heard. Precise imaging and a wide, deep and tall soundstage all add to the creation of an astounding and intimate three-dimensional image of an actual performance. To put it bluntly, the SG cartridge is in an entirely different league from every other cartridge I have ever heard.

I might add that you cannot appreciate what the SG cartridge is capable of doing if you have heard it only at audio shows. Quite aside from the usual limitations at shows, the SG cartridge, to my knowledge, has been demonstrated only with small monitor speakers. While very good as far as small monitors are concerned, they are no match for serious full-frequency reference-level speakers with an extended range on both the low end and the high end. Demonstrating the SG cartridge with those limitations is like driving a Ferrari F430 Scuderia on a small track built for go-karts.

The Verity Audio Lohengrin speakers are essentially flat from 15 Hz to 60 kHz, and they are very fast. I now realize that I had never heard the depth of bass and the clarity of higher frequencies that these speakers were really capable of producing until I used the SG cartridge. The SG extracts more bass detail, with lightning-fast speed and more natural decay, than any other any other front-end device I have ever heard. This was immediately apparent on Rimsky-Korsakoff’s Scheherazade, Op. 35, performed by the Chicago Symphony (Reiner), (Classic Reissue of RCA LSC-2446), which is a serious test of any system or component. It has extensive dynamics ranging from delicate ppp violin and harp solos to powerful fff full orchestral movements. The SG cartridge effortlessly handled those dynamic extremes with total ease. I heard details – from the vibrations of bows against bass, cello, viola and violin strings to delicate bells in the background – that I had never even known were there. This is one of my favorite classical pieces, and I know it like the back of my hand. So to hear many new details from the same LP that I have played many times over was just remarkable. But that was no less remarkable than the soundstage that this cartridge was able to produce – it is the most lifelike reproduction I have ever heard. This cartridge effortlessly reproduces the deepest rumbling and strikes of the timpani, the crash of cymbals and the most delicate notes from the violins simultaneously, just as you would expect in a live performance. The fourth movement is just an astounding experience.

Patricia Barber’s “Companion” (Premonition Records 1999) is one of my favorite Jazz LPs with its excellent material and high quality of recording and mastering. I never really appreciated how superb the bass was on “Use Me” until I played it with the SG cartridge: rich and detailed with lightning-fast transients and the most natural decay I have ever heard. At the same time, the cartridge’s ability to layer Barber’s voice with an intimacy, an honesty and realism against the deep and fast bass is just remarkable.

Hugh Masekela’s “Hope” (Analogue Productions APJ 82020) is my favorite LP purchase over the last 12 months. The SG cartridge reproduces “Stimela,” a particularly moving piece on side 4, with more detail, intimacy, dynamics and speed than I have ever heard. The brassiness of the flugelhorn is reproduced with a realism you won’t hear anywhere other than in a live performance. The combination of crisp cymbals with deep fast bass, crystal clear triangles, a lush and detailed midrange and the magnificently textured voice of Makela makes for a presentation of sheer beauty.

I much prefer the optimized line contact stylus (SGS-6) over the standard line contact stylus (SGS-5). The SGS-6 stylus extracts more detail than the SGS-5 stylus (which in turn extracts more detail than any other cartridge I have ever heard), but there are several caveats one must keep in mind in using that stylus. First, it must be aligned with painstaking accuracy, and VTF and VTA are highly critical in optimizing performance from this stylus. Second, the SGS-6 works extraordinarily well on high-quality recordings which are in pristine shape. In the case of a lower-quality recording or a high-quality recording which is not in excellent shape, the SGS-5 stylus will produce a better result because it will integrate out some of the noise or other adverse elements in such a recording that would otherwise be retrieved in all its inglorious detail by the SGS-6 stylus. The good news is that these styli are easily changed, and the SGS-5 is much less demanding from an alignment perspective than the SGS-6. So, in my experience, once you have optimized your setup for the SGS-6, changing to the SGS-5 for a particular recording does not require any other adjustments.

I was particularly interested in how the SG-410 would sound directly into my VAC Phi 300 amplifier as opposed to going in as a line-level input into my VAC Renaissance Signature Mk II preamplifier. After a great deal of comparison, I concluded that it sounds better going directly into the amplifier. There is marginally more detail, without any sacrifice of that legendary VAC holographic sound. This is admittedly a close call.

The excellence of the SG-410 electronics when listening to vinyl made me curious as to how it would sound as a preamplifier when using a non-vinyl source such as my digital front-end (Zanden 2000P transport and 5000S DAC) through the alternate line input. In this case, though, I preferred the sound of my Zanden separates being fed through the VAC Renaissance Signature Mk II preamp over being fed through the alternative line input on the SG-410. This preference, though, was only a marginal preference tilting slightly in favor of the VAC preamp just as the preference for the SG-410 over the VAC preamp was only marginal in the case of vinyl. Perhaps the difference is that, with vinyl, using the VAC preamp with the SG-410 means that there is an additional component placed in the signal path whereas with the CD input there is no additional component placed in the signal path. The bottom line is that the SG-410, even as a stand-alone preamp, is an exceedingly good performer that will give even the highest reference-level preamps a run for the money.

In summary, the SG cartridge is the most revealing, musical and realistic cartridge I have ever heard. Anywhere. It effortlessly extracts the full range of frequencies with superb detail and extraordinary speed, decay, neutral richness and three-dimensional realism that places it in a class by itself. When matched with a high quality amplifier and speakers, the SG cartridge and SG 410 will reproduce music in a manner that is just jaw-dropping staggeringly good.

Associated gear
TW Acustic Raven AC-1 turntable
Triplanar Mk VII tonearm
VAC Renaissance Signature Mk II preamplifier
VAC Phi 300 Amplifier
Verity Audio Lohengrin Speakers
Stealth Dream power cords
Stealth Indra and M-21 interconnects
Stealth Ultimate Ribbon speaker cables
I will be glad to respond; please forgive the slowness of it, or if I do not respond further as I am only now back from the hospital yesterday, after 5 weeks of serious pneumonia, and am very weak and shaky. I simply do not have the strength or time to read/respond blogs, but so many have called me to bring my attention to this one. I have healing, and some reading work to do and to get back to real work hopefully soon.

Firstly let me say that I am in full agreement with the comments in this blog of not identifying yourself as a manufacturer. That should calibrate anything you have to say, period. Most manufacturers who have been in this industry for any length of time, as I have for 38 years, know the rules: never say anything publicly, or privately, about anyone else’s product. It is called etiquette, and not shooting yourself in the foot, or a bit higher. One must realize how small this industry is. Attacking products is not only counter-productive as it causes of loss of credibility, but it can misinform those who are trying to learn as well as damage what is left of a tiny industry. You may want to check this with some notables in the industry and not just take my word for it.

To your question. Is the Strain Gauge designed to conform with RIAA – of course it is. Please review my credentials in the industry as engineer at RAM audio, Director of Engineering at Bozak, Senior research engineer at the IBM T.J. Watson research labs, and owners/design of Soundsmith for over 38 years where I have taught and produced many speaker, amplifier, preamplifier, and cartridge products, including now over 40 magnetic cartridge designs.

I am aware that I have “stupid” tattooed on my forehead, an event that happened many years ago in a Galaxy far, far away that I do not care to be reminded about. But why would I go to all the trouble to produce a cartridge and preamp system that doesn’t conform to RIAA? Suicidal maybe???

RIAA conformation. I own and use two Neumann Lathes for a charity project called DirectGrace records. It is intended to rescue children from forms of slavery, including child prostitution, something that occurs as I sure you are aware in large numbers in Mexico City. The Neumann lathes have “adjustments” for RIAA to keep the system tweaked to “conform” as it can and does drift. So do the lacquer masters on which we cut, which change the response. So does the plating and stepped processes to make a stamper, as do the vinyl and pressing parameters used make a record. You may want to speak to real folks like my friend Lincoln Mayorga, who well understands how this arduous process can lead far off RIAA. But I deviate more than .1 dB –

Tone arm interactions can vary RIAA performance quite a bit. So what do you have when you are done?? If you are tweaking for RIAA for .1dB, try tightening the headshell screws and re-measuring. Or maybe mass load the headshell and try again. Or adjust the azimuth, VTF or SRA. You are aiming at a moving target. Are you moving your preamp gun constantly??? It seems it is aimed at me right now.

I have measured the SG in many arms, and recently in my Schroder Reference SQ, the new SG design (which you did not hear) it was +/- 1dB from 50 Hz to 12K in conformation with RIAA. And you know what?? I cried when the record was over.

The rest is magic.

Peter Ledermann./President/Soundsmith
Dear Slowlearner: +++++ " Attacking products is not only counter-productive.... " +++++

first than all I'm not attaking the SG, what I'm saying and confirm here is that IMHO it does not conform according the RIAA eq standard: I respect your opinion that it do it but everything you have in your web site and what you posted here tell nothing precise about.

All the " history/facts " that you posted on the RIAA response deviations with changes in VTF or VTA or with a different tonearm is our " bread of everyday " and this is not the subject because what you are saying is that why take care on the RIAA eq. deviation when there are so many deviations all over the audio chain, well that is a point of view that I respect but certainly I don't agree because I think that we must care the audio signal at any single link in the audio chain trying to loose the less and adding the less too.

I know that your trade-offs and music sound reproduction priorities are unique and different from the ones I support but things are that I heard the SG in a very good audio system ( with low system distorions ) and I heard there against a MC cartridge with the same LPs and from that very first moment, and way before I knew that the SG does not conforms with the RIAA standard eq ( I know/understand this in the last 48 hours ), I don't like the overall SG performance against other MC/MM cartridges that I heard and I told this to the SG owner inclusive I remember that we play with a LP that are one of my reference LPs ( Janis Ian/P. Barber ) trying to hear something that the SG was loosing in the HF, even Steve modified a little the VTA and things improve a little but never with the definition that I'm accustom on it but this is not the whole history about, only an example. Today I undertand why the SG has not that HF definiton I'm talking about and why its performance is so un-natural.

I don't take care why its sound is so different till two days ago when I made some research about.

+++++ " it was +/- 1dB from 50 Hz to 12K in conformation with RIAA " +++++

Peter, you made an " assault " to my intelligence, common sense and knowledge with that statement.

first the RIAA eq standard frequency range figure is : 20hz to 20khz not the range you measure.

second are you saying that a very high ( IMHO always ) 2 ( two ) db deviation goes in conformation with RIAA when almost all the phono stages out there that conforms according to the RIAAA standard are in no more than 0.5 db?,
from your point of view I have to assume that if in the future any other different " cartridge " device with say: 5-10 db on RIAA deviation can/could conforms with it?, my God!

Peter IMHO if exist an audio link where every tyni frequency deviation is showing it is on the phono stage through its curve RIAA eq. deviation where any single frequency deviation affects almost three octaves!!!!!, you can hear deviation on the 0.1db range ( at least ) and you are telling me that 2db is the way to go but more important that this is that you say that comforms with the RIAA eq. standard !! ??????????????

Here it is a link where another person that I respect ( like you ) and that I think is very " responsible " and with a high knowledege about and he was asking ( in different words ) and questioning almost the same I'm and from my point of view it does not matters to ask because if we don't ask how we can learn or be sure on anything?:

Peter I don't have any single/simple/minute attitude to attack you in anyway so don't put on " defense ", I'm only trying to have things in the right perpective ( Dan: believe it or not ) because at this moment my " common sense " still tell me that the SG is an additional source device but not an alternative to other MC/MM cartridges, I will consider it an alternative to MC/MM cartridges when your design conforms correctly in a precise way with the RIAA eq. standard.. Peter why don't try it, seems to me that that could be great and a very good alternative.

Peter, one way or the other almost all of us are in the same " boat/ship " and we are looking for almost the same main quality audio music sound reproduction performance targets.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Any company reknowned for keeping classic old Tandberg gear in good working order is OK by me.

I see they also sell modified versions of the Denon DL103 cartridge, one of the better values in audio even straight out of the can. My 103R will need re-tipping or upgrade someday....

Vacman, your system looks gorgeous and must sound fantastic! Congrats!
With all of the technical talk about RIAA, I think there is a very simple point that is missed by a blogger quien tiene que disputar sin razon (who has to generate mindless controversy). It is simply this: perfection does not exist either in the recording or in the reproduction of music. Both the recording and the reproduction processes all involve compromises. To pretend otherwise is simply to ignore reality.

Having said that, I would put the SG cartridge completely in a class by itself. I am unaware of any other cartridge that comes even remotely close to matching it in terms of frequency response, speed, dynamics, decay, sustain, soundstaging, imaging and just general overall musicality. I have had the privilege of using some very fine cartridges in my system, and I have had the privilege of hearing even more expensive cartridges in other systems. Suffice it so say that the SG cartridge smoked all of them.

Of course, everyone has his or her own particular likes and dislikes. That one person out of 1000 people would prefer Spam over Chateaubriand does not make Spam a better product.

I suspect the system you describe may truly be the state of the art in phono playback.

I would love to hear it!