What is your recommendation on upgrading a Linn LP

Here is what I own. A 1984-1985 Linn with BASIK PLUS ARM and no Valhalla. Other wise it is stock. What is my best course? 1) Buy a new component (Linn)and add upgrades I like. 2) Buy parts as they become available on Audiogon and build a top grade player with my old once as a starting point 3. Buy a used player that meets my needs and wishes.

I look forward to your help
I wonder how many people who say the Linn is a dud these days have actually heard a current top spec Linn. I sure have- Ekos SE arm, Kandid cartridge, Keel subchasis, Radikal drive. And I have heard other tables in the $15,000 - $20,000 retail range. The Linn is competitive.
Your comment or comparison makes no sense.This guy has an old LP12 which in this current market will fetch tops to the wrong guy $1200 on a great day with that arm and that's being very very generous.We are not talking multi 1000s of dollars here on a table.Focus,we are speaking of tables under 2 grand I think and really closer to a grand.IMO he can go buy an Ittok arm,new springs,hercules etc etc...spend maybe 15-1800 bucks and still wont have a table that can compete with a stock used VPI scout table at around half the money.
Upgrading a Linn? Don't waste your money. Even a fully upgraded up to day Linn is still terribly colored and not up to any of the competition. Except maybe an AR.
I already own an expensive, "current standards", "neutral", massive, unsuspended turntable fitted with a Graham Phantom MkII which IMO beats, hands down, any of the alternatives mentioned above and I personally would be more than happy to own a 2nd hand Linn LP12 and tweak it. ;^)

Just my opinion....
Well..I already own an epxpensive digital player that beats any of the alternatives suggested above but that means nothing in this discussion..I would rather spend half the money and get a better sounding table IMO than taking a thirty old table and try to tweek it,,been there,done that..Waste of time