What is your recommendation on upgrading a Linn LP

Here is what I own. A 1984-1985 Linn with BASIK PLUS ARM and no Valhalla. Other wise it is stock. What is my best course? 1) Buy a new component (Linn)and add upgrades I like. 2) Buy parts as they become available on Audiogon and build a top grade player with my old once as a starting point 3. Buy a used player that meets my needs and wishes.

I look forward to your help
The first thing I did to mine was to upgrade to an Origin Live DC drive. I waited and waited then finally made the switch. Kicked myself for waiting so long. You'll be amazed. I'm lucky to have a Linn tech less than an hour away. Even before I took it to him I did the switch myself. A huge improvement.
I agree with Stringreen..I owned a lp12 and never could get it to sound good...and I know "good" is different to all.Sold it and im glad I did.I bought a scout at half the price.Setup was easy and no constant tinkering.Buy a different table!
I've known a few younger, naïve audiophiles who bought the whole Linn propaganda manifesto. Wonder if their close audio buddies ever did an intervention ;-).