Wacky Question about cartridges

After 20 years without Analog Playback - I'm buying a turntable. My last was an Oracle mkII or III. Can't remember what cartridge though.

I've looked for some reviews/lists of 'hot' cartridges in 1993-1995 and am coming-up empty-handed.

I know that I had a Sumiko Blue point at one point but I also had something else - an MC - that was really an item at that time. I liked the Sumiko but the other one was brilliant.
Ortofon? Dynavector? It wasn't a Koetsu, Goldmund or Grado. It cost +-$750

The reason I'm asking is to help me choose my first cartridge in 'my new era'. Anyone old enough to remember 1994? :-) Thanks in advance.
Look for NOS Monster Sigma Genisis 2000 Mc. This cartridge was one of a handful of cartridges Harry Pearson gushed about back in the day, He felt that this cartridge did everything right. I have one of the other cartridges he was smitten with,it's listed on my system. I owned the 2000 in fact I still have them one the cantiliver was sheared off during an earthquake and the other one is way past it's prime.
Hi Lemmy, ask this question on the vinylengine forums and you'll get a LOT of good advice, those guys are obsessed with everything vinyl. There are compliance issues with the cartridge/arm interface that you'll need to address but once you've got that sorted there are tons of good options. The cartridge in an analog set up is crucially important so you'll want to take your time and maybe try out a couple of options to see how it matches with everything else in your system. The cartridge isn't something you want to skimp on: A great cartridge on an average table is significantly better than the other way around.