Unsatisfied with Esoteric K-01: Alternatives?

I lived many blissful years with my Reimyo CDP-777, but finally decided it was time to start the transition to PC audio. I opted for the Esoteric K01 in order to have the maximum playback flexibility with CD, SACD, and asynchronous USB DAC. Fast-forward about 6 months and I find myself really missing the warmth, tonal richness, and musicality of the Reimyo when listening to to the rather cold, dry, and neutral K01. It is not a bad player by any means, but I've just come to realize that I'm a musicality guy as opposed to an analytical guy.

Now I'm in a bit of a quandary in regards to how to maintain that flexibility with something more to my taste. Are there any CD/SACD/asynch USB players (or combos) that lean more to the Reimyo's sense of musicality? Harmonix's current line still doesn't do USB input, or decode any thing but PCM up to 44.1. I'm starting to to think my only option is to buy the Harmonix for CD playback and then have a completely separate system for SACD/PC audio playback, but I would love to avoid that if at all possible. Any suggestions are welcome.
Coli - Is that the Metrum Pavane you are talking about? How is that DAC? Thanks.

I lived many blissful years with my Reimyo CDP-777, but finally decided it was time to start the transition to PC audio. I opted for the Esoteric K01 in order to have the maximum playback flexibility with CD, SACD, and asynchronous USB DAC. Fast-forward about 6 months and I find myself really missing the warmth, tonal richness, and musicality of the Reimyo when listening to to the rather cold, dry, and neutral K01

No1willfan Hi. I believe your hearing the difference of an old school R2R Ladder Mulibit dac which was the PCM1704 in the Reimyo.
Compared to the Esoteric K01 AK4399 dac which is Delta Sigma, (ie: bitstream, 1 bit, Saber.)

To my ears when playing Redbook cd's, Delta Sigma dacs have no jump factor or warmth in the mids compared to R2R Ladder Multibit. They are sweet enough but are just a yawn to listen to and thin in the midrange.

Cheers George
Hi George, which filter / upsampling settings on K-01 did you find unsatisfactory? G.

None, I'm just stating the differences I've heard with many Delta Sigma type dacs vs well implemented R2R ladder Multibit type dacs playing Redbook cd's, and this also jells with what the OP is hearing.

I can't see filters, hf or upsampling being able to add jump factor or midrange body to the sound on a Delta Sigma based dac.

Cheers George
George, I'm really sorry to hear that.... Filters on K-01 do a great deal of work. I agree that without filters and with no upsampling, the sound of K-01 is something that only its Moma could love.

Yet, the 5 filter options combined with the upsampling options let the user taylor the behavior of the unit a great deal.... If you enjoy a warm sound, all you need do is select S_dly1.... And then upsample / or not to taste. For me, Nirvana was reach with S_dly2 and 4x upsampling.

Of course, if you are allergic in principle to the very concept of filters and upsampling... That would be a different ball of wax.