Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
OK. I read all 13 pages of this thread and there's no consensus as to whether or not cables are more hype than value. So, let me approach this subject from a slightly different perspective. If my current connections are all "stock" wire that came with my components, except for my speaker wire which is minimum length(about 8 feet) 12 gauge copper speaker wire from radio shack terminated with monoprice banana plugs that I installed myself, which connection do you pro-aftermarket cable proponents think is most critical to improved sound quality? Is it the optical cable which gets the digital signal from my music server to my DAC? Or is it the speaker wire? Or is it the wire that provides the power from the wall socket to my amplifier? I have spent many hours improving room acoustics and experimenting with speaker and sub placement and am inclined to believe that these simple steps will do more for (or to) sound quality than any change in wires. Which wire is most important?
Danaroo, as with the original question posed in the thread I doubt that a consensus can be reached concerning your question. One reason for that, IMO, being that the answer will be dependent on the designs of the specific components that are involved, and in ways that don't have much if any predictability. The answer is also likely to often be dependent on the lengths of the various cables in the system.

See my post here for discussion of some of those dependencies.

My post here, earlier in this thread, may also be of interest.

Without knowing anything about your system beyond what is stated in your post above, though, my guess is that what may make the biggest difference would likely be changing the optical cable you mentioned to a coaxial S/PDIF or AES/EBU cable (depending on what your DAC can accept). With the odds being in favor of that difference being for the better, although not necessarily.

-- Al
Mr D- Every cable/wire in your system is important. Between every component; your signal is transferred and there are a plethora of nuances that can be lost and have a profound effect on your presentation. Imagine viewing a very high-def 3D movie, through a number of glass panes. If one of those panes was dirty or otherwise distorted the image: would it matter which one? I fully agree with Almarg about ditching the optical cable. One caveat there: don't buy a digital cable shorter than 1.5M(digital reflections being the demon to avoid there). My last was a Kimber Orchid, which if I were to ever need one again, I'd try to find. An inexpensive starting point would be the more basic Kimber, Analysis Plus or Synergistic Research lines of interconnects & speaker cables, just to see if your system will resolve the differences. The Cable Company can provide good advice(based on your components) and sets, at a nominal rental fee, for your testing/tasting. Found here: (

I may be able to give you some insight with regards to cables. After reading your post, it looks like you are approaching the cable issue from a purely subjective standpoint. Like you say, there's no consensus, so if you want answers you'll need to take matters into your own hands. I think I can speak for the majority of people on this site when I say this how we had to do it. And we get different results due to the variety of factors involved.

The only advice I can give you is don't spend too much money until you know what you're doing. And even then, be careful.