Solid state phono/linestage vs Tubes

I have had different combinations of phono stages and line preamps, but have never had a full combination of solid state. Currently I have an Aesthetix Calypso and a Rhea Signature feeding into a couple of Krell EV-600's. I prefer a warmer sound and have always believed tubes were the avenue to that sound. With tubes, there's a certain amount of tube rush, but because I mainly listen to progressive jazz and older rock, I don't need a "dead quite" system, and once the music starts, the tube rush is masked. I have a Theta Casablanca with supreme boards just sitting around and am going to run the Rhea through the Theta, but I think I will still get the tube rush sound from the Rhea. There's also the problem of incompatibility with Theta remote sensors and Aesthetix remotes. (admittedly once the Rhea is set, there is no reason to need the remote and the Rhea remote sensor can be masked) I know with classical music, one prefers the dead quite, because there are so many passages that require absolutely no floor noise. Anyway, I'm asking for recommendations for a solid state phono stage and line stage under 10K.
My front end is a Scoutmaster with either a Dynavector DRT XV-1S, or a Urishi Black Cart; speakers are Wilson Maxx II's.
Now look at what you've done. He's crying!. Are you happy now? Unbelievable.
Hey Handymann,

You might want to try posting your question on Audio Asylum, (in either the preamp/amp asylum or the vinyl asylum). Sometimes you get different, (and/or more), answers there.

Good luck!
All of the Aesthetic phonostages I've heard were on the noisier side. I suppose that this is, in part, because they use only active gainstages and don't use a step up transformer. There are many tube phonostages with step up transformers that are dead quiet. I have a Viva fono which is actually MUCH quieter than a friend's Boulder solid state phonostage.

With tube phonostages that are a bit noisy, it is important to hunt down tubes that are quieter. Even with the same type/brand of tubes, some willl be quieter than others.

I have not heard many solid state phonostages in my system that are in your price range. At a dealership, I did hear a nice system that employed the $7500 Zanden phonostage. This is a particularly flexible phonostage that offers different equaliztion curves--RIAA, Decca, Columbia, EMI and Teldec (DG), if I recall properly. I was surprised how many fairly recently pressed records sounded better on an alternative equalization curve even though they were pressed long after RIAA was supposed to be universal. The Zanden also offered a phase inversion switch.
I have a XV1S on Graham/Clearaudio innovation Into Rhea Sig/ML 326S/ML334/Wilson Sasha. No tube noise at 62dB. I did change to NOS Mazda/RadioTechnique/Telefunken 12ax7 and Matsushita 6922.

I tried a few ss phono incl. the ML internal phono and the VTL 6.5 phono stage. The VTL produce the best sound but I need 2 inputs as I have Goldfinger on another graham arm so settle with Rhea. Tubes phono stage sounds best in my system for rock, jazz, vocal and classical.