Upgrading from Verity Sarastro I to II

Hello my friends,

I own the Sarastro I for the past 1.5 year and I couldnt be more satisfied. Lately I have been thinking of upgrading to Sarastro II. That includes a new tweeter, new internal wiring and a new crossover from mids to the tweeter.

I would be very interested to hear experiences from people that have upgraded their Sarastro (or Lohengrin)!

I am also a bit afraid that sth might go wrong, don't know how much I can trust my dealer's technician.

Thanks in advance,


As you point out, there are many reasons why Verity might've needed to come up with a version 2, and it isn't necessarily down to sound. Could be it was cheaper, could be some element was discontinued, etc...

So tread carefully, especially if you're happy now. If anything, you should talk to Verity first.

The upgrade is more then $3000. I believe it's $6000 and no i wouldn't do it. The only reason why they came out with series II is because Raven stop producing that tweeter used in series I. They were forced to change the speaker. Now Verity makes the tweeter. Notice the only speakers in there line up that are series II are the ribbon tweeters speakers. Spend your money elsewhere, the series II is not an upgrade.
Mtdking thats the sort of answer I was waiting for! ;)

Thanks a lot guys!

Greetings from Greece,

Don't buy the upgrade just buy the model speakers. Then sent your current mkI Sarastro to me. I will bake you a cake.