Speaker Choice under $750 for blues...

Hello A'Goners. I currently own a pair of Quad 21L's mated with a Marantz PM 7001 integrated. My listening is primarily electric blues and some classic rock. While the Quads sound good with most every style, they don't truly excite me for blues. As a friend said-"they sand everything smooth". I guess for me they miss that nth degree of "bite" What would be some other options in the same price range? I have to admit they have a terrific look.
My Klipsch KLF-20 is pretty good on rocks and jazz. You can get a pair of used one at $750 with shipping.
Klipsch - check out the latest RF62 or RF82 - I see a used RF82 for $650 on A'Gon..... Good Luck
Thanks! Yes, Klipsch is always a good choice for "rock" if you will. I've owned some in the past but am afraid in my current listening area the horns may be a little over kill. However, it depends on the model I guess.