Eggleston Andra IIIs at CES

Has anybdy had an opportunity to hear these speakers? Interested in how/if the new carbon fiber midwoofers improve the sound.
Hey Vip428
Those where probably mine! I originally order all black with black anodized aluminum- at the last minute because I have always had piano black, we changed to the Gray metallic with Mil Alum trim!

No regrets either way for me I lovem' they rock like no tomorrow. And I almost bought a pr of Wilson 8's in Ferrari Red. Send me a photo when you get yours please!
as an owner of the andra-2's, and having heard even better sound (albeit from MUCH more expensive speakers), i believe strongly in the midrange update. the original mid's could be and are used as woofers as well as midrange drivers, so something built specifically to resolve the midrange frequencies is obviously preferable. but as for the new cosmetics, i can either take it or leave it. as for the price increase, again i would much rather pay to have the new mids dropped into the andra-2's (along with any crossover changes) and save money, if such were possible. i somewhat doubt the new tweeters can be much better (if at all) from the esotar tweeters in the a-1 and a-2. btw, i had already replaced the andra-1 woofers, whose foam surrounds started to decay, with new "butyl" surrounds. this really jacked up not only the bass performance but also midrange clarity (quite alot). So, in conclusion, perhaps eggleston might be benevolent enough to provide an upgrade especially given the E-word (the economy).
You should e mail EW and see if they would do an upgrade like that for you.

I enjoy the looks and the sound mnore all the time, and what is nice is everytime someone comes into my home they stand and stare at the AIII's and then go what are those speakers I have never seen anything like them I love em.

Of course they are not audiophiles and it is a shame because I don't know any real true audiophiles that even live with 5 miles of me accept dealers!-

These have been the best speakers I have owned and I do enjoy them.
I'm sorry Vx700, I still prefer the looks of the Andra 2 over the new 3's.

I wonder why they changed the tweeters?
Is it because the Esotar tweeters are now hard to find?
I hope that mine never meeds replacing. I saw a pair of these tweeters go on Ebay for $920!
Ozzy, no problem, you don't need to say sorry to me. I love the look of my III's and you don't; no big deal either way to me.

Additionally I can't say which one sounds better either way because I don't have a pr of II's to compare to the III's with regards to sound. If the II's sound that much better than the III's then dude you scored big and I am happy for you & all the other II owners!

But as far as looks WELL it is so easy to see that the III's are a far more refined look over the II's with a bit more finesse and class added to it in a large way.

The tweeter sounds great to me in the III’s so if the tweeter in your II’s is that much better as you claim, then wow!!! How long did you have that pr of III’s in your home hooked up to YOUR Equipment to arrive at that conclusion and make such a statement?

Just opinions and your ears, maybe your hears are better than my ears, either way for me the EW's are one of my favorite and best investments; maybe had I had a chance to have the II's 1st I might have felt the same as you Ozzy-