Audio Physic Virgo 5s

Anyone have any feedback on the latest Virgos from Audio Physic. I am looking to demo a pair in NYC. I had a pair of Avantis, years ago, and loved them. I have a smaller room now and I think the Virgos might be a good match.
I would be running them with a BAT integrated. I listen mainly to Jazz, acoustic and vocals. Thanks!
Those of you have heard both the Virgo V and the Virgo II - how would you characterize the differences between them?
(I'm a long-time owner of the IIs)

Thanks in advance
i found the v's to be more extended in both the high and low end but they lack that elusive mid-range magic for which the ii's are legend.
Analogkid, The Virgo II is the best Virgo;Sterophile first A 'class' below $5000. But Joachem (?) the designer left Audio Physics after Virgo II and Audio Phisics never produced a speaker that can match Virgo II or Caldera II (also Joachem design). BTW I bought for my son an Virgo II in Germany for 1200 Euro. But for his father Usher BE-20.
I.e. look for those speakers,they are realy special and can
compete with the best at present.