High efficient speakers

I have a 8 Watt 300B amp and need a high efficient 90+ DB speaker. The depth of the speaker can go to 14"/16". Budget 4/5k used

My speakers I have now are the Audio Note J/SPe speakers. I want a fuller sound from top to botton. Speakers that must be biwired are out.

Room size 13' x 30'(opens into the kitchen) Ceiling starts from the back wall at 10' and climbs to 22'. The J's do sound very good in this space but I think I can do better.

I am looking at the DeVore 9 and S8 speakers. Any feedback on these models?

I do not like to fall asleep when I listen to music so a dynamic sounding speaker would be prefered over a lifeless one.

What speakers would you recommend?
dogg noway 110db 1 watt out of a signal non horn loaded woofer or dual 98db fostex tweeters. Are you say 110db peak? Or 110db 1 watt 1 meter?
I'll add my vote for Klipsch - I love my Cornwall's, and the Belle's and K-horns are great, too!