Wilson better than Thiels?

I have got Thiels. I have listened to Wilson’s Sophia. Can't make decision on up-grade or not! Please tell me your opinons?
A much better upgrade wiich should be done no matter what speakers you end up owning is some easy and minimal room treatment. When I added two bass traps behind my speakers and two side absorbtion panels in front of my speakers I never heard a more significant improvement and I go thorugh a lot of equipment experimenting. I don't think you know what you speakers and electronics can do till you at least do some of this minimal room treatment - it effects bass, imaging, coherence, and balance - I think you would be suprised how much better what you have is once you get room treatment. I think it is one of the reasons the Merlin room is always among the best sounding rooms at shows, Bobby understand room treatment extremely well.
I have never heard Thiels with a tube amp. I'm guessing that since they need lots of current Thiels do not match well with tubes?
Tony, to get the best from Thiels with tubes can be quite expensive. With Thiels, solid state is much more cost effective.
Tony they do very well with tubes. I drive my CS6's with VTL 300 Deluxe Mono Blocks.
They can work with tubes, but Unsound has the right perspective on the issue IMHO.