PMC MB2 vs Revel Salon 2 vs Dynaudio Sapphires

Which one is better? I want to upgrade my speakers and choose one of them. I love Jazz, Rock, and even Classical music. Please give me your opinion. thanks
These are all great speakers. I'd suggest you give more details to help people give suggestions - for example have you heard each of these speakers and what were your initial thoughts? What is most important to you bass or midrange? etc.
I did not hear Dynaudio Sapphires for long enough to form a firm opinion (to whatever extent it can be firm when you do not audition in your system), but in general was very pleased with what I heard.
Revel Salon 2 I am not crazy about, heard too much of cone material (same kind of very slight coloration I hear from Elac for example).
I own PMC IB2, heard PMC MB2 / XBD.
I would rather own MB2 (what a surprise). IB2 is more forgiving, MB2 is very controlled and border analytical.
I would like to hear active 3-way ATCs, if you hear them together with PMCs please post impressions.
If just given these three options, the MB2's would win without question, in my room, with my electronics, to my ears. If more folks listened to PMC large speakers, IB1/2, MB2, etc - Revel, B&W, and many others would have a higher resale value since fewer pairs would be on the market, since fewer would be purchased in the first place!

Listen to PMC and do so with serious solid state energy.
You will not be dissapointed.

Thanks guys. I look for the one with sweet and clear high, accurate mid and heavy, punchy, clear and detailed bass with authority. I think i will go to audit them soon...