Owners of speakers by obscure companies chime in

Recently I discovered that there is a cottage industry out there producing some great speakers. Then I posted asking who are these companies and what speakers are they churning out. I was surprised at how many names popped up that I never heard of before. This time around we would like to hear from the owners and their experiences.
One last note, I beleive most of us realize how fortunate for us to have such a variety to choose from, only thing we need to figure out is how do we get to hear them?
Thanks in advance.
Which of these companies allow you to try (at home) before
you buy them (and just pay shipping costs, I assume)?
Rsgs92, if you're willing to cover shipping costs, I can think of at least one that would!

Eyes rolling innocently,

small manufacturer
Would be hard to go wrong buying from Duke. One of the good guys in audio. Plus hes a award winner. Think he will soon be leaving us obscure companies behind and joining the big boys hope he will still lower himself to chat with us obscure manufacters;)
My vote also goes to SP Tech. I've had a pair of Timepiece 3.0's for about a month now and I have absolutely no desire to search out anything that might be better (if there is such a thing).