Thiel 7.2 and the 3.7

Hello Folks:

Wondering if anyone has had the early opportunity to compare the sound of these speakers. The 7.2 is the best speaker I have ever heard and judging by the buzz and company releases on the 3.7, it should be an experience.


The 3.7s are in an all Ayre system right now. I have had my 7.2s in an all Ayre system up until recently. The 3.7s Are using VPI Scoutmaster with Dynavector 17D2 MKII cartridge or Ayre C-5XE CDP, Ayre P-5XE phonostage, Ayre K-1XE preamp and Ayre MX-R monoblocks. Cables are a combo of Audioquest and JPS.
My 7.2s have been with Superscoutmaster/17D3 cartridge, Ayre P-5XE phonostage, K1-XE preamp, V-1XE amp. Cabling is all Audioquest. I have also heard the 2.4s in systems very close to both of these and think I have a pretty good hold on the sonic differences.
In the future the shop will probably try Mac and VTL gear with the 3.7s, But right now they sound very good. I doubt they will mess with them unless they have an audition for somebody or something like that. They seem like they can sell themselves in the system they are in now. The room they are in is huge and they fill it with music.


As always, thanks for posting your thoughts. I am pleased to share with everyone that I listened to the 3.7 for the first time the other day. They, according to my dealer, are still breaking in and require 400 hours for the bass driver to fully be at it's best. They are incredible in the midrange. I have never heard, with the possible exception of the 7.2, such lifelike, three demensional soundstaging than these speakers. Jim's new midrange driver technology is the real thing folks and must be experienced to be believed.

The weakest link in the demo system was the amplifier, a BAT solid state example that sounds dull, dry and lifeless to me. BAT's tube amps are another story however! Despite this it was a welcome minor frustration to discover that the sound, like most of Theil's designs, are not "left" or "right". It's just "there" all around you. And that was my immediate reaction upon hearing the speakers whether it was Mozart and especially C.S.N. which sounded so lifelike in the room, I was transfixed.

What was suprising however was the bass response. I am not a bass addicr by any means and the lows weren't weak by any means, just not as loud as I thought it was going to be in connection with the other frequencies. I think break in and system matching are at fault here.

The 7.2, when measured by Stereophile, was slightly elevated in the low bass but I am only too much aware that the sound of any speaker is predicated on what is in front of it along with inherent capabilties.

I still prefer the 7.2. but that could change with greater listening to both. Yet this time around, the new designs midrange driver is truly a technlogical breakthrough.

As you so aptly put it, "I can't wait to hear it with a tube amp". Ditto!


How small or big is the sweetspot. Can everyone on....say a couch enjoy the soundstage or only the person in the middle in regards the 3.7? How does the 3.7s compare to say....Wilsons or Dynaudios?
Unlike most audiophiles, soundstaging is not important to me.

I can say that the tonal balance of the Thiel is more uniform off-axis than any speaker I've heard, by a huge margin.
I thought the 3.7 sounded bad last year at L.A. Just heard them again at the RMAF driven by all Sim Audio or Moon Audio equipment and they sounded wonderful. And the best thing is that the binding post are now on the back, not at the bottom. And I guess if I have to, I can live with them, just need to cover the ugly tin cans with teh speaker grill.

According the the rep, Thiels is working on replacing the 7.2. The new version should be coming out in about 2 years. No plan to replace the model 6 yet.
