Monitor Audio Gold series

I see the GS 10 & GS 20 seies would appear to be new offerings that have gained top marks in the British HiFi press that seem to be somewhat more objective than say the "speaker of the month cub" over at Stereophile.I am given to understand the integration between thier bass/midrange drivers & the evolutioary hybrid ,multi composite tweeter they have been developing over many years now is quite good....similar in this respect to Dynaudio & Seas.

Has anyone reviewed & or owned either of these speakers?I note there are very few of these speakers anywhere second hand which means people either really like them & do not want to sell or very few of them are sold relative to these aforementioned driver based systems here in North America.

Because I am still searching for that reasonably affordable speaker with the smooth nonsibilant uppermids,I thought I would put this out & see what the views of my fellow Audiogoners are on these.

Comments if any please.


Kelowna B.C.
I owned the Gold 60s a few years ago. got them Brand new. Sold them about a year later or so. personally, I think they ain't a bad speaker. My 'system' then wasn't sufficient to get the most from them. (accessories, wires, placemnet, etc)

Monitor Audio has a tough hill to climb. their market share isn't very big, and they have stiff competition on the Brittish front, and elsewhere.

they took a very long time to run in, like JRs. I remember that part especially. they sure could play loud though. their finish was nice too. I wasn't thrilled with their tech support... they take a long time to get back to you IF they get back to you.

Some of their lesser models get high praise, and not much press is avaiable on the upper models... though I don't feel that is a slight on the produts. Just the way it is. I see MA as many other speaker lines that also dwell in less of a spotlight. doesn't mean their not good... just not popular... or don't have much market share.

Lastly, I will say, that for the 4K price of a pair of monitor Audio units... they are also in a terrifically competitive market. that might have something to do with it too.
How did you find them for sibilance.I have been looking for a monitor style speaker with good detail,musicality & that elusive PHRAT.I have tried everything with my Silverline SR V-17 version III ,,wonderful speaker but huge sibilance issues.One of the British reviewers with a good reputation(I think it was Al Gold) remarked on the clean rendering of sibilance with the GR-10 given the driver & crossover from midrange to tweeter would be the same I would think this aspect may be similar.I wish I could take the three or four speakers I am now consideraing & have them for a couple of hours one evening.I am sure there is one out of the lot that would be good on the sibilance.
I had a OK system when I had them... but no peripherals. No wires no filters... no pc's. and not much of a pre... come to think of it my system sucked then.

Sibalence wasn't always an issue after I found out about the cable TV grounding scheme was causing it.. course i sold all that... I think the issue of their eff rating at 90-91 db. played more than a little part there. i've never had speakers that were of themselves, sibalent.

higher eff speakers will surely show off that issue even if its minor... all the more so. Upstream gear, wires, etc. Wtih high eff speakers... you'll hear it all better... well, you'll sure hear what's there to hear... better.

the Ground loop bug a boo sibalence is an electronic issue which affects one area of the sound... all of it... we just hear it usually in the upper mids and low treble areas. it does affect it all though... just harder to hear elsewhere.

on the whole, I'd say though... not much. thing I didn't care for much was they didn't have the botom end I was expecting... not close. I'm not trying to trash them here... more it's about taste. I like a cloth or at least paper tweeter... even a ribbon.. over metals. Mostly. Same way with other cone drivers... metal can and does work in some applications... I, however if given the choice, will mostly opt for fiberous cones. Just my preffs. no real great reason why.