Comparison of Thiel CS2.4 vs. Vandersteen 3A Sig.

Interested in hearing about any comparisons between these two speakers, Thiel CS 2.4 and Vandersteen 3A Signatures, integration into rooms, ability to drive speakers, sound quality, any new updates or options that should be considered, etc.
No matter how much opinions we give you, you are highly recommended to audition both speakers yourself. It is a matter of personal taste. Some like it open and detailed, but some like it laid back and relaxed. Both are very decent and capable speakers. If you pay attention to upstream components and cabling, I am sure you can make either speakers sing.

I have owned CS2 and CS3.6. I could make the 3.6 dull sounding and boring by mismatching amps and cables. Good luck and hope you make the right choice.
Chadnliz, I posted the definintion in response to Tafka_steve's post; ...."maybe it is a matter of language usage". It got me thinking as to the true meaning of the word harsh. Surprisingly, I found the the definition to be appropriate for both sides of the argument, and yet not in the way you chose to use it. Where I found the definiton appropriate was: ..."3. manafesting severity and rigor;"...
I find Thiel's to be somewhat severe and rigorous in pursuit of accuracy.
Best Regards, Unsound.
Sorry if I offended you, it is hard to tell exactly how words are meant to be used in print form, though I dont really think Thiel is right for me I do think they are a quality product. Like I said before it is just my opinion.
If Thiels ever sound severe, harsh and analytical, it is not the speakers but the source components first (the main "problem" in most systems) and the amplification a close second, followed by the room itself if there are untamed phase cancellations/additions.