Which speaker to replace Dunlavy SC-V?

Hi fellow audiophiles, I have a question especially for those who are familiar with Dunlavy speakers. I have a pair of Dunlavy SC-V speakers now for a while and albeit I am quite satisfied with their sound I am also curious which speakers could be considered as good contestants if I might ever contemplate to replace the Duns. I know that would be comparing apples with pears, but this is my own list of contestants: Jamo Reference open baffle speakers, Dali Megaline (used), Acapella Campanille (used), Avant Garde Trio, Magneplanar 20.1, Magico Mini, Duevel Jupiter, Tannoy Westminster Royal, stacked Quad ESL 57's (don't laugh).

though i own the passive gradient revolutions(and their great) and have had them for nearly 12 years, i believe the dunlavys are keepers. if i were you i'd keep 'em. i think in another decade they'll be considered 'truly' classic.
Upgrade the internal parts ( caps, wiring ) of the Dunlavy's and set the room up so that they properly load into it. Then play the Ayre acoustics disc for two weeks and forget about it. At this point, you'll enjoy listening to music and won't worry about what kind of gear your using. That is, if the rest of the gear & room are up to the same level as the modified Dunlavy's. Sean
I agree with Sean..In my experience with SC4's the resistor change I made and the coating of the enclosure walls with V-Bloc from Cascade Engineering made the most difference..The use of non ferrous mounting material and screws in and around the crossover, tweeter and midrange drivers also made for a nice improvement.I did take my pair to an extreme in cost and complexity..The changes I mentioned were the most reasonable in cost and time.. Tom
The only speakers that come to my mind to replace the big Dunlavy's might be the German Physiks and/or Huff's.