Funny and clever Axpona Ad

I got a big chuckle out of this promo ad for Axpona. Seems pretty true to the fact:

Axpona Ad

Made you smile, huh?
Hmmm....seems to me a case could be made for filing that link under the thread:

"Why don't more people love audio....". ; -)
I'm not sure which is funnier, the ad or the responses. Thanks for the laughs, everyone.
It's the same woman, right? High End Audio improves sex life. Read between the lines.
John- I showed this to my wife also. Your wife and mine must be twins separated at birth. Although mine must have been the firstborn. It took her less than 5 seconds to say "he's looking at the speakers, not the woman!"
Lol Michael! They are all the same.....or maybe, we are all the same....gasp!