How's aboutnthese new Diamond B&W's???

Haven't yet gotten a chance to hear them but wonderif the extra $3K is worth it.I know thatbthey are supposed togo as low as the regular 802 Nautilus.But they are quite bit bigger with the extra driver and size is an issue in my current room.
Anybody spent any time with them?If you had a amplifier thatb could swing the nasy impedance dip even though they are rated 90db rating so good stable amp.Wonder if they plan an 804N with a bit more depth.Always found just he soundstage let alone the bass made the 803 worth the ea\xtra $1500 but I am of the ilk that if one has money any of the (up to 803) could use a sub to fill things out.
All the best

All the best
>>Personally, your comments are of no value<<

Only if, unfortunately, somebody happens to be you. What a drag that must be. Thank you; I get a good laugh reading your posts.
I have no idea what that post means, not that I care, but I am glad I keep you amused. :)
Reviews are just one data point in the long road to find suitable equipment. Some folks place a fair amount of value in them and some folks place little or no value in them. I just enjoy reading them myself. As one poster above noted, there is no substitute for listening to equipment in your own listening environment. But I'll continue to read reviews and send notes to the reviewers cause it's part of the fun of this hobby.
IMHO, 802D is worth the extra for a better midrange & bass. The ones I like 800D, 802 D and 805s.
FWIW, I listened extensively to the 803S at 2 separate dealers and thought they were well worth a trip home for an audition. Full, smooth with good driver integration. Then Katrina struck and wiped out the dealer. He'll be back, but the audition is on hold. I did listen to the 803D, but only for 15 minutes - not really long enough to form an opinion.